Back in hospital round2

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Well I'm back in Acute Surgical Unit again, a few of you do know this. Thought I'd send my sick note in to explain my absence.
Saturday started with terrible gut pain which got worse and worse, so Sunday dinner the wife phone 111 nhs. Boy are I glad she did. They sent emergency ambulance 10 mins to arrive and didn't mess,got me straight to A and E. They didn't mess with starting tests and getting me into the red section immediately. And now God bless him the doctor who came to see me realised I was in so much quote lets pump you full of morphine before getting started unquote. Oh the bliss a 10 ml ampule. Any way lots of tests and scans my bowel had twisted causinga blockage where I'd had the op a few weeks ago.
I had surgeons preping me for surgery. But thankfully my consultant came from home at 2.30 in the night and took charge. Fingers crossed I am now on the road to recovery as everything he's doing appears to be working
So here I am again in my hospital bed taking drugs and and being mended. I've always said there's something about the LR marque that makes their owners become just like them, finicky old buggers :D:D
Keep well buddy. Hopefully you can recover quickly and easily, so we can take the Mick.
Here's a few to get your account going.





Keep the chin up and we all at Landy asylum have paid Bob the Busdriver to pick you up.
Really sorry to hear this mate , christ that must have been hell , thanks for the update as u know ur amongst friends here

shame ur so far away otherwise could have brought some grapes for me to eat whilst chatting with u, lol , Needed u to laugh , rest up and try not to get caught looking at the nurses,:D

stay safe mate and u get a comfortable night , where all thinking of u my friend :):)
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Runny tummy?:confused:
Could never even change my son's nappy when he was a baby.Remember going to a RTA to get a guy out of his car,he'd hit the windscreen with his face and his glasses had smashed into his eyes,he was trapped by his feet and his legs were mangled.applied a big padded bandage to his head and had to get down in the footwell with the hydraulic jaws to release the buckled floor to get his feet off the pedals,all was fine ,blood guts and snot didn't bother me until we manouvered him to get him out,my face was crutch level and soon realized he had evacuated himself:eek::eek:
Could never even change my son's nappy when he was a baby.Remember going to a RTA to get a guy out of his car,he'd hit the windscreen with his face and his glasses had smashed into his eyes,he was trapped by his feet and his legs were mangled.applied a big padded bandage to his head and had to get down in the footwell with the hydraulic jaws to release the buckled floor to get his feet off the pedals,all was fine ,blood guts and snot didn't bother me until we manouvered him to get him out,my face was crutch level and soon realized he had evacuated himself:eek::eek:
You always have to spoil things.
You always have to spoil things.
When I turned around, I saw the ashen look of my pal Joey trying to turn that key. :(:eek: I too felt the dry mouth creeping in, as my guts :confused::oops: express the only way. A toot then a long frapple and full onslaught trumpeting. I saw Joey dying before my eyes breathing in the fumes spreading around the room. I was quick but not quite quick enough to rescue Joey :oops:
I could only scream out 'JOEY'!!! Till this day, I can see the graphic face in my mind of screwed up face, with two hands strangulated neck and bulging red eyes :( Nam Phartnam.