A bit backwards

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Morning all!

Thought only polite to say hi to you all, I am a new landrover owner, I collected my very first landrover at the weekend.

It's a very tatty looking 1974 series 3 swb pickup 2 1/4 Diesel engine and so far all seems to be going well.

I've done this in the wrong order as I've already posted on a few forums about things and only now am I saying hi.

I've always wanted a landy, everyone told me I shouldn't as they are essentially tractors and not cars with no refinement or creature comfort, but I finally own one and I adore it.

I'm keen to get my hands oily but don't have masses of experience so I expect to be calling on all of your expertise regularly.

I live in Rugeley in Staffordshire and am keen to get involved with clubs and get to meet other landy folk so if you are local get in touch and hopefully you can teach me a few things about these magnificent trucks!!

Speak soon (no doubt!)
