2-Stroke as an additve

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Pat Bryant

Dear All,

Some time ago I read pieces from several sources about adding 2-stroke to diesel, and benefits of such. Just before Christmas I finally bought a litre (£5 Tesco) and added about 500ml to my TD5 tank on fill-up.
Snake oil? Well maybe, but there were some serious technical discussions and, on balance, I thought it could do no harm so, for the money, have a go.
Driving in the worst/coldest weather we have seen since the old King died, a mix of motorway and urban, after about 150miles I was beginning to think I'd been had. Reports had been for smoother running, quieter tickover, better acceleration, and improved fuel economy. Would you believe it?
Then, at around 150miles, I did start to imagine that things felt a little better; but I know how you can clean your car and think it's faster. Only when my wife said that the fuel gauge did not seem to be falling at it's usual rate did I get excited.
Bottom line: MPG on refill a solid 32 (from about 29-30) and it may be a little smoother etc.
Not dramatic I know but thought I would share this result for observations and comments.

Happy New Year,

Yes, my findings as well. I tried it a while back.

If you've not seen it, have a look here http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f7/cooking-oil-td5-80487-6.html

Only thing for me was that the 2 stroke was a fiver, and it only saved a couple of litres/tank...i.e. the economies didn't work out. It did run better tho...

I have filtered around 5 gallons of engine oil (changed the oil in the Landy, our other car, and my motorbike at the beginning of the summer last year). Filtered in a filter sock bought off ebay. Still using around half-a-litre on most tank refills in the Disco...works almost as well as 2-stroke oil.
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