L322 MY2005 TD6 Vogue FBH Webasto WTT software

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North Manchester
Hi All, Has anyone here any knowledge or used the Webasto WTT software to diagnose their FBH please?
My original FBH came up with glow plug and circulation fan fault so replaced it with a working one (?) from ebay and now get a Glowplug flame fault. I have bought the Webasto test leads and a 12v 30amp psu so I can bench test it but as the L322 FBH is wbus controlled I'm not sure what can be done off the car and as the Webasto software connects via the wbus you can't connect the FBH to both at the same time, or can you ?
Any help would be much appreciated.


Best ask them while your there,you lost me after Hi All,o_O:D

Ha Ha, It's part of the test my friend, if you speak the language of the FBH then you will understand.:D

The software allows you to control/test components on the auxiliary heater but every time I connect and go to test things it fires up the air circulation fan (which then runs) and eventually throws up a fault so I'm not sure if it's the software or the fan. Other components seem to work ok.
I have read lots and lots and lots...... on the subject but since LR have their own variant of the control board I'm struggling to get specific info.
Ha Ha, It's part of the test my friend, if you speak the language of the FBH then you will understand.:D

The software allows you to control/test components on the auxiliary heater but every time I connect and go to test things it fires up the air circulation fan (which then runs) and eventually throws up a fault so I'm not sure if it's the software or the fan. Other components seem to work ok.
I have read lots and lots and lots...... on the subject but since LR have their own variant of the control board I'm struggling to get specific info.
Now I see, good luck.
Pm @Saint.V8 is my suggestion.

Hopefully @Saint.V8 will see the tag and respond if he knows. I don't like to PM users unless it's for a specific reason.

Have a wander over to fullfat, Technical (l322), down the page a bit, FBH_a Range Rover story, have read or have you already.

@kds Yes I have read that before but have just had another read. It did remind me about all the components needing to be plugged in for the self test, I currently have one of the pumps disconnected :oops:
He didn't mention about pulsing the fuel pump with 12v to test it but other than that it was very informative. From what I have read the FBH and L322 talk to each other on the WBUS which obviously it can't do with the software/laptop attached. I'll give it another go tomorrow with everything connected on the bench (too cold to play outside).
Thanks for the reminder though.
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Mines not doing anything, if I hit aux heat on dash screen its like tick check box untick check box blink and you miss it. Have put 12 volts to circ pump engine side of inner wing and it runs, no faults showing up on Foxwell or INPA, guy on facebook breaking couple RR have messaged him and he came back said yes got one sent back at that price I will have it even if it means making one out of two just waiting for him to get down to the bit I want.
@kds you have to put 12v to pin 1 of the 6 pin plug to do a manual start, but that then sends a wakeup command to the car on the WBUS for (I think the HVAC and instrument pack).
Can you see the FBH with the foxwell, i.e options for info, read faults, clear faults, live data?
Also I found an error in the Aircon menu for Aux heating not responding that I cleared.
Not had a chance to really look into it, working fine one day then nothing, had park heating enabled in ccf (if I remember it has to be done in hvac, instrument pack and bcu) by Old Forge Garage so I could do the wireless remote switch on. Yes can see it with Foxwell no faults stored and option for live data same with INPA, dont remember seeing any thing on aircon will need to check up on that one.
I have used WTT on the L322, and used a resistor on pin 2 to pull down the voltage to fool the software, but it is tooooooooooooooooo much ****ing about.

The best way I have found to diagnose the L322 FBH, is to use a analogue PCB from a boat, MG Rover, Freelander, early Disco, or an aftermarket PCB, to fire up the FBH, to see if it starts, or has to be removed. I fit a analogue PCB, and use a harness adapter I made, one end plugs into the vehicle 6 pin, the other end into the FBH 6 pin. It only has pin 6 to pin 6 populated to run the dose pump, and pin 1 to the FBH, for me to send 12v to the PCB to fire it up. It has no communication with the vehicle.

Also se a analogue/aftermarket PCB it to get the FBH running on the test bench. When you fit it, you will know the FBH itself is ok, then when fitted to the vehicle, you can use the FBH to test your PCB/s.

I have a few repaired L322 PCB's, they are ok electronically, so in theory they should be ok, but cannot test them without a L322.
I have used WTT on the L322, and used a resistor on pin 2 to pull down the voltage to fool the software, but it is tooooooooooooooooo much ****ing about.

The best way I have found to diagnose the L322 FBH, is to use a analogue PCB from a boat, MG Rover, Freelander, early Disco, or an aftermarket PCB, to fire up the FBH, to see if it starts, or has to be removed. I fit a analogue PCB, and use a harness adapter I made, one end plugs into the vehicle 6 pin, the other end into the FBH 6 pin. It only has pin 6 to pin 6 populated to run the dose pump, and pin 1 to the FBH, for me to send 12v to the PCB to fire it up. It has no communication with the vehicle.

Also se a analogue/aftermarket PCB it to get the FBH running on the test bench. When you fit it, you will know the FBH itself is ok, then when fitted to the vehicle, you can use the FBH to test your PCB/s.

I have a few repaired L322 PCB's, they are ok electronically, so in theory they should be ok, but cannot test them without a L322.

Thanks for the reply.
I messaged the chap that makes the diagnostic kit and he reckons 12v is correct for the WBUS. I have tried a scope on pin 2 but there is no wakeup signal on pin 2 to wake up the L322 ecu's. Not sure if this is because the FBH has detected a fault.
I was thinking about the analogue board and yes I guess it would test the FBH components but that wouldn't test the cars ecu's woke up. And that the CCF was not corrupt, although the manual start on the head unit does try to start the FBH.
Would you be interested in selling one of your PCBs? I can possibly get mine repaired for about £50 plus postage.


Not had a chance to really look into it, working fine one day then nothing, had park heating enabled in ccf (if I remember it has to be done in hvac, instrument pack and bcu) by Old Forge Garage so I could do the wireless remote switch on. Yes can see it with Foxwell no faults stored and option for live data same with INPA, dont remember seeing any thing on aircon will need to check up on that one.

That's interesting about the remote startup. I have the remote but the FBH doesn't respond when I press the button, I have tried to re sync the key but it doesn't seem to do anything even though the led's come on.
If I take the plug off the receiver and short pins 1 & 3 the FBH tries to run so I know the wiring is ok.
@Devilish I also looked at the Webasto WBUS oval timers which in theory should enable the FBH to run off the car but at £95 it's a bit too much to test 1 FBH and may not be the same WBUS protocol:D
That's interesting about the remote startup. I have the remote but the FBH doesn't respond when I press the button, I have tried to re sync the key but it doesn't seem to do anything even though the led's come on.
If I take the plug off the receiver and short pins 1 & 3 the FBH tries to run so I know the wiring is ok.
Mines non standard remote, after I had park heating enabled (takes 24 hours for it to appear on dash after enabling it) like you I shorted pins on receiver plug to check it would work then after a bit of digging around the internet came across a guy on a motor home forum that had used a Vellman wireless remote kit on his L322 for remote switch on so thats what I have done. Good that your FBH try`s to run if short pins I think, if I get done doing rear brake pipes on friends astra twin top tomorrow (hope no rain) I will pull the FBH fuse to reset it see what fault code pops up might give an indication of the problem but with my luck it will be the pcb gone.
@kds I've just been to my local garage and they have given me a couple of faulty FBH units so hopefully I can make 1 or 2 good ones out of the 3 that I now have, 4 if you count the ebay one i'm trying to get replaced :D
I'm confused about the remote start being enabled on the car unless it's just to tell the car to look for the wakeup command from the FBH when the 12v is applied to pin 1. IMO the FBH is just a switch that shorts out pins 1 & 3 as it has no WBUS connection.
I have 2 PCB's I have repaired, that check out electronically, so in theory should work. the 10 or more I have sent out have all worked when fitted, but not seen them since last autumn, all this covid horse**** isn't helping. Both check out electronically, so in theory they should work.
I tried a 1533 oval controller, even wired in a 12v start signal wire to its PCB, used T70, T80, even two I had made would not start any of the many digital PCB's I have.
What has to be enabled is the FBH itself. I know, bull**** right. a mate bought a BMW X5 ex demo with a complete FBH installed, he rang BMW to ask how he started the FBH. Was told he had to take it to BMW for them to enable it so he could turn it om, bull**** or what.

Brian will send you a PM
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@Devilish I have managed to get (hopefully) a good one out of my old one and one of the ones I was given today, It passes all the tests in the Webasto WTT software and even lights up the flame detect test light.
The one I was given was said to have a flame detect fault and looks like the metal gauze is damaged so I have had to swap it for my old one which has a different glow pin but does seem to test ok. It also had a very noisy water pump so I have swapped that for my old one as well.
It is from a 2007 where as mine is a 2005 and hopefully is an L322 FBH, it has the same bracket as mine still attached so assume it is.

I thought there may be an issue with the 1533 controller as I believe there are slight differences in the WBUS protocols from different car manufacturers.

Yes it's crazy that something could be fitted but not enabled, anything to rip a custommer off eh.

Hopefully I'll get mine fitted at weekend and fingers crossed it will work and all I'll need is a new Telestart controller. I'll let you know if I do need a new PCB.

Thanks for the offer and info :D