Consultation on proposed Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute
Consultation on proposed Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute | Wiltshire Council
Comments are invited from interested parties on the proposal for a Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute, details of which are set out in the documents attached to this page.
Email your INDIVIDUAL objections to [email protected]
We need as many single objections as possible - this is a very emotive proposal - lots of discussion on the Trailbike mag forum here TBM Forum :: View topic - Chute Tro`s Now with pics and objection letter ideas. and was also subject to Charlie Thorns column in the November issue of Land Rover Monthly.
In effect it appears that the landownder has been promised the lane will be closed for him to enjoy it without being disturbed by legitimate users!
Consultation on proposed Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute | Wiltshire Council
Comments are invited from interested parties on the proposal for a Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute, details of which are set out in the documents attached to this page.
Email your INDIVIDUAL objections to [email protected]
We need as many single objections as possible - this is a very emotive proposal - lots of discussion on the Trailbike mag forum here TBM Forum :: View topic - Chute Tro`s Now with pics and objection letter ideas. and was also subject to Charlie Thorns column in the November issue of Land Rover Monthly.
In effect it appears that the landownder has been promised the lane will be closed for him to enjoy it without being disturbed by legitimate users!