Which stub axle seal do I need?

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Well-Known Member
I have just bought FRC3132 front stub axles and am trying to work out what oil seal and bush it requires. The parts diagrams I have (below) do not have matching part numbers for the stub axle I am using so I am not sure if the oil seal for the ones listed are suitable. Can anyone confirm if the oil seals FTC840, or FTC3145, or FRC3099 are suitable for my stub axle? I assume which ever oil seal I use I will need the matching bushing.



Although the above is also not the correct stub axle it is for a Salisbury rear axle and does not seem to show a oil seal or bush in the back of the stub axle? As I am fitting to the rear, as the early 110's used FTC3132 as their rear stub axle, am I potentially looking for something I don't need which is why it is proving so difficult to find the information? My parts manual starts at '87 so is not early enough to have the actual setup I am looking for as I believe it was the 83/84 110 rear axles that came with FRC3132 fitted as standard.
The bush and seal are in the axle are they not? Look in axle case parts? I have little experience with the Salisbury but the basic set up is much the same as rover. Cheers.