Which 90 should I buy?

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Well-Known Member
Hi all.
After last years disaster of being stranded in France with a dead ECU I sold my TD5 90 and vowed never again! However the Fiat panda Treking I replaced it with just isn't doing it for me :)
So I'm looking at 90's again. I want something that looks really clean so I thought maybe a 2.2 or 2.4 Puma but don't know what they're like for reliability and I suspect not easy for the home mechanic. MyTD5 was a nightmare, however I feel equipped now to spot issues now. Maybe a restored 300tdi or even a Series 3? but it needs to be a daily driver with a 50 mile a day commute. What do we think?
You'll need some money to outlay for a good looking or fully restored one.
If i'm honest the 200tdi was, in my opinion, the best defender I have ever had. The engine was bullet proof, but very agricultural.
My brother bought a td5 version and I have to say I was a little envious at the time because it was so much smoother and livelier.
I struggled to find a decent replacement for my defender so moved onto the D2. I've got to say the D2 is a delight to drive and if an every day commute it would be a pleasure in the D2.
The Td5 engine is though not as robust as the tdi engine. The main issue being the head gasket (dowels) and the oil pump bolt as well as a few other issues like the injector loom, etc. However, knowledge is everything and therefore fix these issues and you'll have a great motor, you'll also be looking at a slightly newer defender and hence possibly a tidier one. You will need a nanocom however.
I haven't seen a cheap defender or series in good condition else I'd have bought it and still would. If i'm honest though, my preference would be for the simplicity and ruggedness of a 200 tdi in a defender and as little electronic trickery as possible. Keep it simple!
(Not as a daily commute but my real dream would be a lovely little 2.25 petrol series 2A or 3)
A clean 90 with a 300tdi and galvanized chassis. It was what I looked for but could not afford at the time.

What MOL said.. Forty (smily) mile a day in mine. 90 300tdi csw. Piece of cake to look after.
Savin up for the galv chassis :)
Good hunting
Like the sound no electronic gizmos and galvo chassis isn’t that expensive really is it. Was thinking maybe a wolf?