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Well-Known Member
Devon, UK
Got a bit of a car dilemma at the moment...

Our situation has been -

I work(ed) from home. My partner goes out to work.

Our motors are -

300tdi disco
300tdi disco breaker (will never go back on the road)
101 forward control with HS2.8 (300tdi clone) - currently on SORN

Our new situation -

Ive just gone and got myself a job which i have to go to... Its at an old public school - which may be relevent to what sort of heap i can get away with turning up to work in?

We need another roadworthy car.

Short term, my partner can give me a lift, but that has to be very short term, as it increases her daily drive by too much.

What im thinking -

a) I could get the 101 back on the road.

Pros - We have it, we could use it for other stuff (its an ambi / camper conversion) and it wouldnt cost much.
Cons - Its hard enough to get insurance on anyhow, before you start adding "commuting" to the quote. Its a 101 (no pas etc). Its an ambi. Its LHD (for that added inconvinience). And the point that im actually most concerned about - i dont really want to turn up at a new job, at a well-to-do school, in some cold war era ex-mod truck (or hippy waggon, which ever way your prejudice lies). Its only social saving grace is probably the landrover badge (classless and all that?)

b) I could press on with my s2a 109 truck cab idea - S2A 109, and drop the 300tdi from the breaker disco in it.

Pros - Ive got the engine. Get a tax exempt, and im looking at <£100 / yr for insurance. Would make a useful vehicle pretty cheaply.
Cons - no pas, no syncro on 1 to 2, not exactly instant. Would probably cost more than expected. I reckon about £600 for a 109 (on a good day) and i have the breaker disco already.

c) Get a 110, possibly with a failed engine.

Pros - PAS, etc.. Possibly easier to maintain and get parts for than a 109. Keep their value well.
Cons - £250 insurance / £250 tax. So £400/yr more than a 109. I know thats £400/yr, and it does not seem a lot over the course of 12 months, but you can carry on like that forever, and id rather drop £400 extra into the mortgage than let it slip away on tax and insurance. Also i cant see myself getting a 110 for cheap without having to spend some time on it. But, again, i have a spare 300tdi etc.

d) Get some horrible hatchback.

Pros - Instant, cheap.
Cons - Ill have to drive it (my partner will want the disco). Itll still cost a load in tax, and insurance. Itll make me unhappy (even if it might be a sensible option!)

Note - I dont care about fuel consumption issues. Ive currently got more fuel than i really know what to do with (bio).

What do you reckon?
Short term get a cheap run around check facebook some cars for under £500 often have a few months mot this should take pressure off the wife. Then you can get something better then scrap/sell the run around
109 or 101 PAS conversion

As to private schools, is it about education or snobbiness.

Academic school I expect the 101 would be loved.
Many Private schools have a cadet force and other connections with the military, if they have, then any series, defender or your 101 would be welcome. Even if they don't, your series idea would be acceptable as a collectors item( to those who don't know what you've done under the bonnet.)
Thanks for the replies so far.

Am currently prepping the 101 for not, sorting out the breaks etc. - not as that's my conclusion, but it was on the list of jobs anyhow.

I know the hatchback is a sound idea, but, esp as you can't buy cars with tax any more, it really would feel painfull spending out on something like that

I've got a couple of weeks yet so am watching the ads - I think that may determine what ultimately happens, but am still interested in comments.