What on earth am I doing...........

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Active Member
Purchased my first Green Oval the other week, it was great…. For about an hour until I realised I don’t have a clue what to do or where to start…. Should have bought a toy model of one instead.

The first issue was the sender valve, the previous owner gave us half a talk of fuel so on the way home we filled it up, long story cut short it turns out the sender valve leaks hence only half a tank! Had to send it to the garage as I did not really want to wait until the weekend to get it sorted, they replaced the rear end of the exhaust pipe at the same time…. And nicked my rear mud flap…. But that’s a different story!

While it was up on the ramp I had a look over it – found two ‘small’ holes in the chassis which I would have never seen with it on the ground, you can barely see them with it on the ramps. I have since spent some time poking around underneath scraping away at the layers of thickly clad mud (for the entire of Sunday afternoon I could only se out of one eye and when my other half got home she wanted to know where the coal mine I had found was) and through I haven’t found any more holes some of it worse for wear. So now it’s off to Buzzweld at the weekend to get all the welding done and as much paint as they can muster applied….. Its nearly costing me 1/3 as much as the landy, but Craig gave me a good sales talk and I am a sucker for a good sales pitch.

Then when we get it home there is the bloody oil leak to sort out – It’s not leaking oil as such, I have spent hours staring at it and seen nothing… oil just mysteriously appears underneath it. When I am sorting that I might as well do a full oil change at the same time…. If I am doing that I might as well change the transfer oil and gear box oil…. Coolant could probably do with changing, the washer bottle is grubby and silty… that needs doing. The rear washer doesn’t work so that will need fixing at the same time.

Once that’s done then there are the doors… oh god the doors…..

The speakers crackle, the seats need some TLC / pest killer on them, the seat belts are well…. Dubious, there is hell of a lot of wiring all over the place – the electrical safety people would have a field day, so many drilled holes everywhere, the tires look flat, the breaks squeal like a slaughtered pig, oh and to top it off I need to grease the UJ’s (which will probably need replacing knowing my current luck).

On the bright side…. She runs well…. At the moment….. apparently the starter motor sometimes doesn’t work, though its not happened to me I am sure it will on the coldest, wettest, windiest, day of the year when I am 10 mins late already!

I have made a list of what to do, that got so unorganised (for my quite OCD mind!) I broke it down into sub lists and annexes….. that’s really difficult to understand! So I have resorted to the next best thing… ignore it until it goes away.

It’s hard to know where to start. Furthermore, every time I go outside and look at it she gives me this ‘I will take everything you own and more’ look…. It’s kinda creeping me out, I even asked her nicely to stop doing it.

All I wanted to do was be a cool kid on instergram!


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Sounds just like every other landy, what's ya problem? I've had mine about 4 or 5 years and it's still like that. Carry a long heavy lump of wood to whack the starter when it won't work. I know what you mean about oil appearing, mine does that also and bits of random straw keep appearing too. They don't respond well to being treated perfectly, you always need to keep a few jobs undone otherwise it will wait till your in the middle of nowhere and then seize up. Good luck with it.

God loves a tratterer. For what it's worth I went in blind too and have been pretty lucky.
I have a mysterious spot of oil that appears overnight neath the transfer box - can I find the source?
Best of luck mate.
Oh, nearly forgot, never say " it hasn't let me down in ages" any near within earshot of it - they're sods like that..
Ignore the leaks and the tatty interior, they can all be sorted at a later date. You have already stated with the important bits of getting the chassis sorted and protected and giving it a full fluid change and service. Once this has been done depending on the engine I would also consider swapping the timing belt unless you have the history and know it was definitely done recently. After this it should be mechanically solid so you can go out and start enjoying it. Everything else can be considered as a luxury rather than a necessity.

My advice for your long list (we all have one, don't worry) would be to only tackle one job at a time, make sure you have all the parts needed to complete it in advance (including new fixings/rubbers/clips etc) and ALWAYS put it fully back together when finished, even if this means you are constantly taking the same bits apart the following weekend to do the next job. If you do not do this it is very easy to end up with the vehicle off the road in lots of pieces where lots of jobs have been started but none of them have been fully completed. Then it becomes a very big task to get it back together and is a reason a lot of "projects" are abandoned and sold on.

They are great vehicles to learn on, I got mine blind off ebay when I was 18 with no tools, no mechanical experience, and an MOT that it most definitely should not have had! Do not be afraid to attempt jobs, they are usually easier than they look and if you get really stuck wherever you are there is likely to be another land rover owner locally who knows what they are doing who is willing to help out.
She has had my wallet now for over 15 years, and she still hasn't managed to empty it, as she always lets me know when she wants some more cash out of me.
However, she loves me underneath tickling her belly, or greasing her props, or anythingelse that she wants me to do.
She also enjoys my stroking her under the bonnet, and tweaking her belts.
She is my pride and joy, and it has been said that if it came to a choice between my wife and my landy, I'd have a cold bed!!
I'm forever buying parts and fasteners I don't yet need so that when a task comes up I'm already half prepared, things like wing bolts etc. The trouble is that my house, garage, shed and lock-up are now a collection of landy part storage areas.

Sounds just like every other landy, what's ya problem? I've had mine about 4 or 5 years and it's still like that. Carry a long heavy lump of wood to whack the starter when it won't work. I know what you mean about oil appearing, mine does that also and bits of random straw keep appearing too. They don't respond well to being treated perfectly, you always need to keep a few jobs undone otherwise it will wait till your in the middle of nowhere and then seize up. Good luck with it.

No problem! Just venting! I will change the starter motor out when it becomes an issue, hopefully can get a few years out of it. to date its only failed on me once and that was partially my own fault doing something silly and stalling it - The previous owner just said wait a few seconds and/or gently rock it back and forth and it works - which it did.

There is 3 oil leaks none of them I am totally sure of the location - 1) is from the top of the sump, presume a worn seal, I will change it when I do an oil change, 2) is from a mysterious location.... somewhere and 3) Is the transfer box seal, seems to be common, and it also seems I have to drop the transfer box and maybe the gear box to do it - either way it sounds like hard work for 2 spots of oil. If it becomes a problem I might actually bother to do something about it.

Replace straw with rizzlers and crisp packets and we practically have the same landy!

We plan on doing a fair bit of touring / over landing in it so at this stage I am getting her up to a basic 'bench mark'. The start is getting it structurally sound - spend the money then its good for a few years. After that I am going to do a full service - it was done not so long ago, but I dont know to what standard, so I want to do it all again so I can satisfy myself that I am happy with it. Then after than its the fun stuff and cosmetics. Thankfully, other than the breaks which I can easily do myself, she runs like a dream - just got to keep it that way.

God loves a tratterer. For what it's worth I went in blind too and have been pretty lucky.
I have a mysterious spot of oil that appears overnight neath the transfer box - can I find the source?
Best of luck mate.
Oh, nearly forgot, never say " it hasn't let me down in ages" any near within earshot of it - they're sods like that..

Similar to mine, I think (will stand corrected on this - not sure if its the correct name) its the seal on the input shaft into the transfer box. It seems to be fairly common but requires a lot of work to replace and its something I am not planning on doing until it becomes a huge issue. Thankfully for us shes a 'weekend car' so if it breaks, it breaks and I can leave it until I have the time to deal with it, one day she might become our daily but not untill I am happy that shes upto a good standard.
Is your list longer than mine? :eek:


Chassis plating on O/S rear suspension mount n/a 2mm O/S Rear
Replace Suspension shock mount LR041260 O/S Rear £15.00
Replace Suspension spring seat O/S Rear
Replace lower mounting seat NRC9700.Z8 O/S Rear £4.00
Replace spring isolator ring ANR2938.C8 O/S Rear £2.36
Weld repair section into cross member
Repair outriggger
Repair and paint and underside of chasssis on N/S
Clean prep and paint rear trailing arm brackets - replace if required
Replace bump stop bracket
reinforce bump stop
bonda primer all the above
Remove Rear trailing arm √
Remove A frame fulcrum
Remove rear brakes (drain) √
Remove hub √
Remove Half Shafts √
Remove prop from rear diff and hang √
Remove rear diff √
Drop axle casing and move
Wire brush back axle casing
Paint A Frame Arms
Paint rear radius arms
Paint rear axle
Replace rear brakes - paint centres
Replace rear hub seal kit
Install new timken bearings
rebuild calipers
Replace pads
A frame poly bushes
rear radius arm bushes (poly)
New brake pipes and unions
install rear shocks
put Front of car on axle stands
remove wheels
remove brakes
remove hubs
Remover half shafts
Remove Radius Arms
Inspect and dissemble swivel and CV
Replace brakes - paint centres
Replace hub seal kit
Install new timken bearings
rebuild calipers
Replace pads
Paint front radius arms
Install new bushes on radius arms
Weld in new alpine window surround NS REAR
New boot floor and rear cross member
Weld in new arch on N/S and tie into boot
Paint all of the above
Re-install N/S rear quarter
Remove O/S rear quarter
Weld/repair inner panel
Repair C pillar O/S
Inspect and repair cross beam
Inspect and repair alpine window
Weld in new outer arch
Inspect and replace sill mounted body mount
Weld in froggats panel for the above
Weld and repair new arch
Tie into boot floor
remove front seats
Remove paint from floor
sweep and clean all
clean back sills
weld in new floor sections
tie in to sills
Paint all of the above
inspect and repair b pillars
Paint over repairs
Repair inner wings
Repair inner arches
replace/repair front body mounts
Paint all of the above
Proceed with camper build!
Drain main oil
drain all coolant
remove rad
remove cambelt and ancillaries
remove thernostat
remove waterpump
replace cambelt with upgraded kit
new w pump
new coolant
new oil
new oil filter
new fuel filter
gearbox oil
tansfer box oil
new sepentine belt
new stat
repair centre console
repair loose bits of dash panel
clean dash
replace steering wheel
re-cover headlining
fit headlining
Just think. Once shes sorted, you will have a solid motor that you still need to keep tinkering with each weekend to keep running :D
Ignore the leaks and the tatty interior, they can all be sorted at a later date. You have already stated with the important bits of getting the chassis sorted and protected and giving it a full fluid change and service. Once this has been done depending on the engine I would also consider swapping the timing belt unless you have the history and know it was definitely done recently. After this it should be mechanically solid so you can go out and start enjoying it. Everything else can be considered as a luxury rather than a necessity.

My advice for your long list (we all have one, don't worry) would be to only tackle one job at a time, make sure you have all the parts needed to complete it in advance (including new fixings/rubbers/clips etc) and ALWAYS put it fully back together when finished, even if this means you are constantly taking the same bits apart the following weekend to do the next job. If you do not do this it is very easy to end up with the vehicle off the road in lots of pieces where lots of jobs have been started but none of them have been fully completed. Then it becomes a very big task to get it back together and is a reason a lot of "projects" are abandoned and sold on.

They are great vehicles to learn on, I got mine blind off ebay when I was 18 with no tools, no mechanical experience, and an MOT that it most definitely should not have had! Do not be afraid to attempt jobs, they are usually easier than they look and if you get really stuck wherever you are there is likely to be another land rover owner locally who knows what they are doing who is willing to help out.

Cheers for that. Similar thinking to me, so at least I know I am along the right lines!
My thought was get it solid, that then gives me something to work with. I am quite happy that she is mechanically sound - all the belts were changed not so long ago, you can still read the date stamp on them, so I am happy with that. Full service is more for my benefit than the truck, it was done not so long ago - but to what standard I don't know - if I get it all done that gives me a date to work from and base other planned work from.

Totally agree with the interior being a luxury, I am slowly painting the load bay up as that's something I can do of an evening rather than being forced to watch Corrie, the other bits will cost money and are really on the back burner for now.

What I am really conscious of is ending up accidentally doing a full refurb. At the moment she runs, and runs well. Like you say I need to resist the temptation of "While I am at it....".

I am no mechanic and my mechanical knowledge was learn as a child watching my father and grandfather tinkering around - but the amount I have learnt and constantly learning just in the last few weeks is fascinating. Its a huge daunting task, but one I am looking (kind!) forward to.

She has had my wallet now for over 15 years, and she still hasn't managed to empty it, as she always lets me know when she wants some more cash out of me.
However, she loves me underneath tickling her belly, or greasing her props, or anythingelse that she wants me to do.
She also enjoys my stroking her under the bonnet, and tweaking her belts.
She is my pride and joy, and it has been said that if it came to a choice between my wife and my landy, I'd have a cold bed!!

Thats brilliant! It sound like some sort of oath or chant that would be said at secret landy meetings!
Luckily my other half loves the landy, in fact it was pretty much her idea to buy it, the only issue we have had is that she has less of a clue than me! So often we end up arguing about things when I want advice and she just stares at me blankly... or worse.... "yes dear"....

I'm forever buying parts and fasteners I don't yet need so that when a task comes up I'm already half prepared, things like wing bolts etc. The trouble is that my house, garage, shed and lock-up are now a collection of landy part storage areas.

Similar here, I don't have much of a work shop so no spare parts or anything which is a bit annoying sometimes when you just need one random bolt to fix something and end up having to but 50 of them!
@Colthebrummie thats a really detailed list! Mine thankfully is not as long as yours... yet. My issue is a lot of things need inspecting and some thought put into what is best to do. Once I have done that I will have a better idea of what to do.
Purchased my first Green Oval the other week, it was great…. For about an hour until I realised I don’t have a clue what to do or where to start…. Should have bought a toy model of one instead.

The first issue was the sender valve, the previous owner gave us half a talk of fuel so on the way home we filled it up, long story cut short it turns out the sender valve leaks hence only half a tank! Had to send it to the garage as I did not really want to wait until the weekend to get it sorted, they replaced the rear end of the exhaust pipe at the same time…. And nicked my rear mud flap…. But that’s a different story!

While it was up on the ramp I had a look over it – found two ‘small’ holes in the chassis which I would have never seen with it on the ground, you can barely see them with it on the ramps. I have since spent some time poking around underneath scraping away at the layers of thickly clad mud (for the entire of Sunday afternoon I could only se out of one eye and when my other half got home she wanted to know where the coal mine I had found was) and through I haven’t found any more holes some of it worse for wear. So now it’s off to Buzzweld at the weekend to get all the welding done and as much paint as they can muster applied….. Its nearly costing me 1/3 as much as the landy, but Craig gave me a good sales talk and I am a sucker for a good sales pitch.

Then when we get it home there is the bloody oil leak to sort out – It’s not leaking oil as such, I have spent hours staring at it and seen nothing… oil just mysteriously appears underneath it. When I am sorting that I might as well do a full oil change at the same time…. If I am doing that I might as well change the transfer oil and gear box oil…. Coolant could probably do with changing, the washer bottle is grubby and silty… that needs doing. The rear washer doesn’t work so that will need fixing at the same time.

Once that’s done then there are the doors… oh god the doors…..

The speakers crackle, the seats need some TLC / pest killer on them, the seat belts are well…. Dubious, there is hell of a lot of wiring all over the place – the electrical safety people would have a field day, so many drilled holes everywhere, the tires look flat, the breaks squeal like a slaughtered pig, oh and to top it off I need to grease the UJ’s (which will probably need replacing knowing my current luck).

On the bright side…. She runs well…. At the moment….. apparently the starter motor sometimes doesn’t work, though its not happened to me I am sure it will on the coldest, wettest, windiest, day of the year when I am 10 mins late already!

I have made a list of what to do, that got so unorganised (for my quite OCD mind!) I broke it down into sub lists and annexes….. that’s really difficult to understand! So I have resorted to the next best thing… ignore it until it goes away.

It’s hard to know where to start. Furthermore, every time I go outside and look at it she gives me this ‘I will take everything you own and more’ look…. It’s kinda creeping me out, I even asked her nicely to stop doing it.

All I wanted to do was be a cool kid on instergram!