Bulgaria Cheap flights can be found from as little as £70 return,fly to Sophia (capital) near to Serbia and the ski-ing resorts,or Plovdiv ,middle of the country or coast and Varna or BURGAS,the main airport for the coast.
You can also drive here in 2 to 3 days (1800 miles) i have done it 3 different times now,taking different routes,its cost approx £350 all in,one way!
Fuel in Bulgaria has doubled over the last 18 months and is now approx £1 a litre (petrol/diesel) LPG is sold at the pump in every petrol station and is less than half that price.
The cost of living is small,considering it has trebled since joining the EU in 07,fags that were 50p a pkt are now £1.50,a beer on the coast £2 in the country 50p ! Road tax (vignette a year) is 67 lev,approx £30 but you can buy by the month or week.
Accomadation can vary from 5 euro a night to unlimited,i suppose,as it depends what
type of accom you want and where ?Weather great for 8 months of the year,being next to Turkey and Greece,stunning scenery,brilliant roads for off-roading etc,not so good for the posh camper/car except motorways !Agricultural country with nice coast,very basic inland (like UK 60 years ago)the coast mostly like any other designed for the tourist and maybe the drinker/sunbather except for the hidden fishing villages,well worth a visit.....i live here now ! call in.