Stolen cars end up in Africa

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Well-Known Member
Only just saw this on news fred :

Ever wondered what happens to your car when it's stolen? UK detectives find a fleet of 29 stolen British vehicles worth more than £1million... on wasteland in UGANDA
Detectives tracing a Lexus stolen from London have ended up tracking it to Uganda - where it was found alongside a fleet of British cars worth more than £1 million.
The £50,000 SUV was fitted with a state-of-the-art tracking device, which activated as soon as it was taken from outside a property in west London.
As a result the National Crime Agency was able to use a smartphone app to trace the journey of the stolen RX450h 6,000 miles to the Uganda capital Kampala, where they were stunned to find it alongside 28 other luxury cars which had been stolen from the UK by the car-smuggling gang.
Luxury right-hand-drive cars are in great demand in land-locked Uganda, where locals still drive on the left as part of the British colonial legacy but import companies struggle to transport new vehicles.
The stolen Lexus which led to the discovery of the smuggling ring was taken in April, and later tracked to Le Havre, in France, where it was shipped across the Mediterranean Sea and through the Suez Canal down to the Middle Eastern nation of Oman.
It was then shipped to Mombasa in Kenya before being transported by road to Kampala - where locals drive on the right-hand side - in a steel container.
The tracking app even allowed police to identify how corrupt officials in both Kenya and Uganda, infiltrate the criminal syndicate and understand its operation.

Organised criminal gangs are increasingly targeting high-value cars – largely 4x4s – with keyless security systems, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders warned last year.
Thieves are able to bypass security by using equipment intended only for mechanics – while manufacturers try to stay one step ahead by updating software.
National Crime Agency regional manager Paul Stanfield, who tracked the vehicle and uncovered the smuggling gang, said: 'This investigation is an excellent example of the close co-operation between the UK National Crime Agency, National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service, Interpol and [anti-fraud investigators] APU to tackle the increasing threat from organised vehicle crime.
'Working with the police and security services in Kenya and Uganda, we have been able to dismantle an international criminal network that has been responsible for stealing high-value cars from the UK and exporting them to East Africa.'

It is believed that all of the stolen vehicles were equipped with keyless ignition, which the criminals managed to breach by using reprogrammed keys to start the cars up and drive off.
Car manufacturers, insurance companies and police forces are facing an uphill battle against the sophisticated method.
Working with the police and security services in Kenya and Uganda, we were able to dismantle an international criminal network.
- Paul Stanfield, National Crime Agency regional manager
Since the start of the year, more than 40,000 cars have been stolen in London with a quarter of these using keyless technology.
In upmarket Kensington and Chelsea, officers are now stopping high-end vehicles being driven in the area after midnight, when many vehicle thefts take place.
The car-smuggling ring was broken up by both Mr Stanfield, with technology provided by APU Ltd.

The fleet of stolen cars, mainly made up of Range Rovers, BMWs, Audis and other prestige makes, is now in the process of being shipped back to the UK.
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This has been happening for quite a few years now, it's been on the TV in the past, trouble is that they are so organised, your car is gone and in a box, sometimes even on the ship before you even wake up. Insurance companies have been sending private investigators over to help retrieve the cars. Also, we seem to be exporting so many 2nd hand cars legitimately, that it makes the job of picking out the stolen ones even harder.
Business bank managers (i know one) have a constant stream of Africans coming in to try and open accounts. Always the same script always the same bull sh1t.
Has me in stitches

So what will your business entail sir
Business (obviously in the accent)
What type exactly
What will you be doing business in.
Different things
Can you explain them
Import, export
Import and export of what sir
Different things
Mostly car parts.
Well be in touch Mr Bongobongo.

Most of it is Laundry. Ive just come back from the post office. Full of em sending MoneyGrams back home. One of them was for eight grand but the teller was making a fuss about it as I left.
I suppose with a culture of dirty money and corruption they find it hard to adjust. Out of all the passengers I pick up in a week the Africans trying a scam for free travel outweigh everyone else 20 to 1.
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I remember watching one of the police programs a few years ago where they had a car tracking device in a chopper flying over a very busy road in south africa and it must have detected about 30 ex british stolen cars in a few mins but no one could do anything about it as the cars were in south africa :eek:
Business bank managers (i know one) have a constant stream of Africans coming in to try and open accounts. Always the same script always the same bull sh1t.
Has me in stitches

So what will your business entail sir
Business (obviously in the accent)
What type exactly
What will you be doing business in.
Different things
Can you explain them
Import, export
Import and export of what sir
Different things
Mostly car parts.
Well be in touch Mr Bongobongo.

Most of it is Laundry. Ive just come back from the post office. Full of em sending MoneyGrams back home. One of them was for eight grand but the teller was making a fuss about it as I left.
I suppose with a culture of dirty money and corruption they find it hard to adjust. Out of all the passengers I pick up in a week the Africans trying a scam for free travel outweigh everyone else 20 to 1.
That's quite a business plan lol!
I must admit I hate all the new ID and security checks for everything now but it's sign o the times I guess.
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I remember watching one of the police programs a few years ago where they had a car tracking device in a chopper flying over a very busy road in south africa and it must have detected about 30 ex british stolen cars in a few mins but no one could do anything about it as the cars were in south africa :eek:
Blimey, that's crazy! :mad:
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