So It Begins!!...god Help Me...

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Well moved on a bit further..

I had to move the Clutch master cylinder rubbur hose pipe today and fabricate a new bracket to hold it to the Bulk head due to the Converstion down pipe being a Tad too close for meltdown!!

I also had the luck that the Oil return pipe from another Turbo fitted to the 200TDI Turbo but i had to hack saw off about an Inch from the Outlet Manifold studs to allow for clearance to fit converstion down pipe, and it fits nicley now.

I have to go to fetch some Engine mouting stud Bolts tommow for Turbo manifold otherwise i would have got it finished today.

I have still got to cut Exaust to fit Down pipe and thats that job done!!

I now have to see if the 2.5TD Power Steering Pump fits the 200TDI block??anyone know??

Also the last biggy is to lower the Mountings for Rad and Intercooler ..phew
Well i dont think the PSP off 2.5 will fit tried it if anyone has one going begging???

Also need and lternator for 200TDI..

Tightned all Bell housing nuts and Engine Mountings and replaced floor panels and carpets..starting to look like a Landrover agin not a Flinstone Car!!! lol...

Had to chop back studs i had to drill through the footwells to move Pressure Hose from Clutch Master cylinder so it didnt burn due to Down pipe conversion being so close.

Next tester is not to drill Front cross member to take Rubbers for Rad and Intercooler as they need to be lowered .

And as soon as i get an PSP for 200 TDI and Alternator its onto Coolant pipes and Fuel pipes.
Also swap TD Fuel Filter Mount as the Fittings are differant and i suppose it would be better to do whilst its being done..

Then cut TD Exaust to fit Converstion downpipe and clamp up and then Cahnge Oil and Oil Filter and then......Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaa hopefully its bleed Fuel off and Clutch and away we go..
right i need some help the first picture shows a part which i do not know the name and i am not proud to ask what it is so tell me lads..Uplift pump?
Anyway if you are looking at the pic it has a Rubber hose comming off to the left with brass pipe on it ..were does it go what does it do i aint got a clue not seeing 200 Tdi before?

Next pic is of another part i do not know so help me out again but again two pipes come out and over and point down ..what are they and what do they do?

The rest are progress i now have PSP and Alternator and 200 Fuel filter and housing and all PSP pipes from 200

And converstion down pipe:
Lads i have got all Fuel now connected also Starter motor wired up anlternator wired up .

Cured the Bend problem comming off bottom of Block to Rad on Coolant Pipe ..

I have turned the Engine on the Key this afternoon and looks fine I Have life on the Dashboard light wise ....IT LIVES... Frainkinstien Lives...Ha Ha....

I have relized that they Fabricated Oil feed pipes to Rad wrong they forgot to make sure metal pipes were fixed by hose right so one facing up and the other one back tommorow to plead ignorance and re fabricate...Oops...

Dropped Oil out and i will buy some 50/40 Thin Oil to flush out Engine but worth it to ensure any beasties are gone and sludge then Engine Flush and then the best stuff back in with 15/40 Good stuff and new Oil filter.

Last thing then is to Cut down exaust pipe to fit downpipe..

Then you lot will be rid of me dribble on about it One thing come out of this all is anyone doing th same will hopefully get some pointers from this thread and all the good advice and help i have had from you lot!!!
Last legs now chaps nearly finished

I only had half a day today as the misses is getting a bit grouchey..Mad Cows Diesease...
This is were i am today more day exiting stuff now mate:


I have got her all plumbe up today bloody hard job to get bottom Intercooler plumbed in as the Air filter from 2.5 TD got in the way of the bottom pipe so had to do a U bend and cut metal pipe but managed it after some head scratching i manged it.

Then back to the pipe fabricators to re fabricate the lenth and Angle of Oil coolant pipes to Rad .

Picked up new Intercooler and Rad from the Lad in Hinckley in exchange i took a Tow bar off for him from a Scapper so not bad eh 1/2 Hours work and got a Intercooler and Rad and Case!!

So left to do tommorow is

3 Fuel Hose clips
Lenth of Hose to link Rad to Block and clips
Cut Exaust to fit Converstion down pipe.

Then Fill with cheap 5/40 Oil and add Engine Flush drop that lot back out
and in with the Good stuff and then PREY VERY HARD!!
Well cut the Exaust today to fit downpipe thats now pukka!!
Had Oil pipes re fabricated to feed Rad Oil
Got alternator belts all tightned up

Just got to put on connectors for Alternator
Mate up Coolant pipes to Intercooler and Rad as i have already fabricated just needed to do Alternator belts first.
Connect Oil cooland pipes to Rad
2 Clips to secure Fuel to Injectors

Thats it besides Engine flush and Oil filter and Oil the only thing im waiting on is a Tim Clock and Sender a readings may be wrong otherwise?

Th landy Battery is now Bubbling away tonight as i have to call on it tommorow and no doubt the Engine is dry of Deisal carnt wait!!
right next prblem i have ot the engine running it sounds fine but i have an intermitant proble its happend about 4 times out of 20 starting it.
start engine runs ok then screams its head off and i cannot turn it off by the key ( PS any sugesstion of how to kill the engine if this happens again)?.

Then i start her up and its fine again??it seems to happen when i press the foot pedal but as i said only happend about 4 times out of 20?

I have attached a photo of the Ijection pump and it has a little round hole does this have somthing supposed to be in their and what is it would this cause this?

g'day i dunno what the cable with the bumpy cover on it is ( stop cable?) but i don't think it will work well the way you have it in yer actual piccy. if i was you i check all adjustments on the pump and acc linkage.
whats that look like to me the novice?

i am not being sarky its the first time i have attempted somthing like this and its hard mate
didn't think you was being sarky but yule appreicate that not actually having it in front of me and not knowing exactly what you've done its kinda hard to point you in the right direction straight off. so if its still screaming its head off check for sticking linkages to start with.