Propane Injection?

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Well-Known Member
South London/North Kent
Been reading about propane injection past couple days after seeing it in a mates 90, its rather cool. To start with I'm not on about an LPG system to run the car on 100%, on I'm on about a similar kit to what Alisport used to offer. Just for some extra power when its needed, I found when driving on sand a tiny bit of extra power would have made a lot of difference and what got me thinking about it.

How much propane is used per 'go' to up the power? He had one of the smaller BBQ propane tanks in the back, I was wondering if you could use one of the smaller 465g tanks that Coleman and the like make? Then just swap them out when dry.

Any major downsides to propane injection?
Have read up about it but not got round to and praticle stuff....I have lpg still fitted from the V8 days but now its a 300tdi. The lpg is not connected but I was planning on using it to feed in the extra gas....Maybe water injection to. But still havn't fitted the big intercooler thats been in the shed for day!!!
I used to know someone who drove around with a Calor gas cylinder on the passenger seat of his Austin A35, with a rubber tube to the carburettor. He adjusted the gas with a gas tap on the top of the cylinder as he drove. I wouldn't recommend it, but it shows what's possible with simple equipment.
Been reading about propane injection past couple days after seeing it in a mates 90, its rather cool. To start with I'm not on about an LPG system to run the car on 100%, on I'm on about a similar kit to what Alisport used to offer. Just for some extra power when its needed, I found when driving on sand a tiny bit of extra power would have made a lot of difference and what got me thinking about it.

How much propane is used per 'go' to up the power? He had one of the smaller BBQ propane tanks in the back, I was wondering if you could use one of the smaller 465g tanks that Coleman and the like make? Then just swap them out when dry.

Any major downsides to propane injection?
Fire hazard, potential to damage engine, illegal, will invalidate insurance if in an accident.
IIRC you have a td5, already one of the most powerful defenders ever made. If you need more power driving off road, I would suggest it is a technique issue, unless you are driving in comp safari etc.

Fecking big bang if it goes wrong??
Yes, or a spectacular fireball!

Have read up about it but not got round to and praticle stuff....I have lpg still fitted from the V8 days but now its a 300tdi. The lpg is not connected but I was planning on using it to feed in the extra gas....Maybe water injection to. But still havn't fitted the big intercooler thats been in the shed for day!!!
On a diesel?? Does propane ignite under compression?

I used to know someone who drove around with a Calor gas cylinder on the passenger seat of his Austin A35, with a rubber tube to the carburettor. He adjusted the gas with a gas tap on the top of the cylinder as he drove. I wouldn't recommend it, but it shows what's possible with simple equipment.
I would love to see the coppers face if he got pulled over! :D
Well, this was back in about 1980 when it was the wild west as far as car safety was concerned compared with nowadays. People drove around with huge rusty holes in their cars, crumpled wings, collapsed springs and niceties such as licenses and insurance were optional extras. The former had often been lost anyway as a result of the more or less ubiquitous drink driving that took place in those days. Things have really changed in the course of a generation, not only in terms of legislation and enforcement, but also public attitudes and perceptions of risk.
What country were you living in as it doesn't sound like the UK I was in, there was a lot more enforcement than there is now , unless they are "targeting" something for a few days
What country were you living in as it doesn't sound like the UK I was in, there was a lot more enforcement than there is now , unless they are "targeting" something for a few days
Variable over the UK, I think. In the country areas people got away with murder until twenty odd years ago. I can remember in the mid eighties one of the locals got pulled over on his old tractor, and done for everything! No number plates, insurance, lights, brakes! :eek:
All of a sudden all the neighbours started taking an interest in the legality of their own vehicles! :D
What country were you living in as it doesn't sound like the UK I was in, there was a lot more enforcement than there is now , unless they are "targeting" something for a few days
This was Somerset in the early 80s. There was some police activity, because people lost their licences due to drunkenness. But compared to nowadays when we drive by cameras every five minutes, it was a much more lax regime. Yes, there might have been more actual traffic stops, but the chances of getting any kind of penalty were minimal unless they actually caught you and decided to do something about it. Even then, the few police officers were reluctant to take matters further and antagonise the locals. As one said to me at the time 'We've got to live round here'.
All hydrocarbon fuels will ignite when compressed enough....from coal dust to brake cleaner all you have to do is get it in there.

Propane as a fuel is not new. its been on the go for years....think forklift :)

Propane injection only adds extra gas....the engiine still runs on diesel. The little bit extra gas just makes the diesel burn better, the combination of better diesel burn and more fuel - the gas - gives you more power. LPG is propane.

There are kits that can be bought that use normal propane bottles.
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All hydrocarbon fuels will ignite when compressed enough....from coal dust to brake cleaner all you have to do is get it in there.

Propane as a fuel is not new. its been on the go for years....think forklift :)

Propane injection only adds extra gas....the engiine still runs on diesel. The little bit extra gas just makes the diesel burn better, the combination of better diesel burn and more fuel - the gas - gives you more power. LPG is propane.

There are kits that can be bought that use normal propane bottles.
Reckon my diesel burns pretty good anyway! :) Sounds ansum, and the emissions tester cant hardly believe its running! :D
Nice cheap fuel at the moment anorl!
Why? LPG is legal....its the same stuff...same hazard.

Ask the ministry of transport. As i said, i believe some experiments have been carried out on London buses. But it is illegal to inject LPG into a diesel engine as far as i am aware.
All hydrocarbon fuels will ignite when compressed enough....from coal dust to brake cleaner all you have to do is get it in there.

Propane as a fuel is not new. its been on the go for years....think forklift :)

Propane injection only adds extra gas....the engiine still runs on diesel. The little bit extra gas just makes the diesel burn better, the combination of better diesel burn and more fuel - the gas - gives you more power. LPG is propane.

There are kits that can be bought that use normal propane bottles.

LPG is very high octane and is NOT compression ignitable.
All hydrocarbon fuels will ignite when compressed enough....from coal dust to brake cleaner all you have to do is get it in there.

Propane as a fuel is not new. its been on the go for years....think forklift :)

Propane injection only adds extra gas....the engiine still runs on diesel. The little bit extra gas just makes the diesel burn better, the combination of better diesel burn and more fuel - the gas - gives you more power. LPG is propane.

There are kits that can be bought that use normal propane bottles.

One of the problems with early experiments was the max torque moves up the rev range which increases stress (as a square iirc) on componants dramatically reducing engine life.

With modern electronic control systems it's possible to adjust the quantity of lpg mixed with diesel to suit the demands on the engine but these things dont come cheap and savings are less than those possible with petrol/lpg which is the driving force behind conversion.
Ask the ministry of transport. As i said, i believe some experiments have been carried out on London buses. But it is illegal to inject LPG into a diesel engine as far as i am aware.

At the very most it might be illegal on the road......but its sure is not impossiable or unsafe. It does work and has worked for years.

The first one I saw was 20 years ago fitted to an A reg RRC that was fitted with a transit DI. Ran LPG all the time for extra power.