Ive currently got my 90 in bits having the transfer box re-conned. So whilst its all out i've taken everyones advise and decided to swap to a disco R380 for the longer gears, better fuel economy etc. The second hand unit got delivered today, but ive noticed the gear selection levers are in opposite positions to the defender one? It also seems as though they'll be further back in the cab once fitted?? And that the transfer box linkages wont marry up??
Ive taken the selector box off to try swap them around from defender to disco but the connections inside are totally different??
So, is it possible to change the selector boxes over or do i have to live with the levers the other way round??
Ive taken the selector box off to try swap them around from defender to disco but the connections inside are totally different??
So, is it possible to change the selector boxes over or do i have to live with the levers the other way round??