Hi, I've owned my X reg P38 for last 4 years, but in the last couple of months, what appears to be the scurge of that model is draining the battery if not used daily. The EKA code is so fixed in my memory that I'm using it for my ATM code. I've changed the battery earth fitting to a quick release and have been isolating the battery with this method for the last couple of weeks, if I know it'll be standing for 2 days or more, and using the EKA to re-enable the key fob and reset the immobiliser.
Prior to the last disconnection I unintentionally superlocked it, but used the fob to unlock and silence the alarm on a couple of occasions where I opened the unlocked door before fob unlocking.
After the last disconnect due to flat battery (with bonnet up, drivers door open) upon reconnect, I'm now seeing "Key code lockout".
With thanks to all those that have posted in threads regarding this, I'm suffering the following symptoms and need your advice -
Prior to re-connection I connect the +ve and earth cables for c.30secs.
On battery reconnection the alarm system is armed (not sounding) visible by indicator flash and dashboard indicator.
Having now shut the bonnet (all doors closed)
The lockout message will disappear after 30 mins (with or without ignition key at pos 2).
I then enter my EKA (I've never seen flashing indicators to show the key turns, but EKA has worked in the past) with key one.
I'm using Key two in ignition.
If second key wasn't at pos 2, when I turn it to pos 2 the alarm goes off.
If second key was at pos 2, pressing Fob lock/unlock a number of times has no effect, if I try pos 3, alarm goes off.
I have tried reversing the EKA routine, but nothing.
My next move will be to call out an auto electrician who will hopefully have the necessary to re-sync Becm and immobiliser, but thought I'd ask you guys for your wisdom first?
Prior to the last disconnection I unintentionally superlocked it, but used the fob to unlock and silence the alarm on a couple of occasions where I opened the unlocked door before fob unlocking.
After the last disconnect due to flat battery (with bonnet up, drivers door open) upon reconnect, I'm now seeing "Key code lockout".
With thanks to all those that have posted in threads regarding this, I'm suffering the following symptoms and need your advice -
Prior to re-connection I connect the +ve and earth cables for c.30secs.
On battery reconnection the alarm system is armed (not sounding) visible by indicator flash and dashboard indicator.
Having now shut the bonnet (all doors closed)
The lockout message will disappear after 30 mins (with or without ignition key at pos 2).
I then enter my EKA (I've never seen flashing indicators to show the key turns, but EKA has worked in the past) with key one.
I'm using Key two in ignition.
If second key wasn't at pos 2, when I turn it to pos 2 the alarm goes off.
If second key was at pos 2, pressing Fob lock/unlock a number of times has no effect, if I try pos 3, alarm goes off.
I have tried reversing the EKA routine, but nothing.
My next move will be to call out an auto electrician who will hopefully have the necessary to re-sync Becm and immobiliser, but thought I'd ask you guys for your wisdom first?