Hi this is my first post and its not a good one! bought my discovery a few months ago and its been great! unfortunately a month ago my head gasket went due i believe to the p gasket failing. ive managed to fix it now after a head skim, new bolts, new gaskets and what not, my problem now is i appear to have oil bubbling out from between cylinders 2 and 3 at the head gasket. The gasket was definately fitted correctly and the right way up and torqued down correctly. its not alot of oil as in its not running down the block but it is there and it annoys me. Im hoping someone will say yeah they all do that and its fine but in reality i think im going to have to do the headgasket again! any ideas would be great. oh yeah its a 1995 300tdi 215000 miles. cheers, pete.