Noise under acceleration and workshop manual question

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Good morning all. My first foray into the world of all things Freelander 2 following a baptism of fire as the owner of a P38. It all ended in tears :) I've now got a 2009 GS diesel. Happy(er) days!
My questions of the day however are thus: I have a noise happening when I drive and the revs are above 1500rpm. It a weird noise probably best desibed as a whirring with a mechanical overtone. At low speeds (under 20mph) the car drives fine, nothing sounds out of the ordinary but as I drive along the noise cuts in. If I'm cruising all sounds normal too. If pushed I would say that noise appears/changes with accelerator use. My question is: where should I start looking? My best guess having looked at other threads are either the turbo and its associated pipework or the prop shaft. I must admit that I haven't fully got down in the dirt yet to check further.

My 2nd question involves the manual that I downloaded from the technical section. I can find all the descriptions of the various systems on the car, part numbers and descriptions and torque values, but I can't find any repair procedures, ie, loosen this, remove that, etc. Am I just being thick here or is there a second manual that details the repairs?

Many thanks
Welcome to the Freelander section.

Noises can be tricky to identify, but there are several components which are known for failing, which make noises as the deteriorate.
The common noise making components are the rear diff and PTU. Both components are well known for failure, the rear diff especially so.

There are a couple manuals for the FL2. Mine definitely shows how to remove whatever components, and what to remove to remove those components. It also says which bolts need replacing on reassembly.
Nodge68, thanks for that. I'll have to get under and around and see if anything shouts out. I'll have a butchers for the other manual 👍