Well the Old girl is going in for her hip replacements today with Alan the welder as surgeon. He cleverly asked us to remove the fuel tank guards as well as the 'beautification' panels ahead of the work and I know why now! Incerdibly annoying pain in the arse AND back process removing the guards which seem to be made of Kevlar! As is so often the case there was one stubboen bastard of a nut on either side that absolutely refused to budge! There is one we couldn't get out using every tool available so I am going to get Alan to slice it off with an angel grinder. The whole process of taking the guards of took ages and I was wondering if it was worth putting them back on again and then I remembered Glastonbury (I get free tickets now having been to the very first one at Worthy Farm!) and how incredibly useful the guards will be, so it is back on with them when the welding on BOTH sides is done!
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