My 1974 Series 3 sat for 2 years before I fired it up again last week. Lo and behold 3 wheel cylinders immediately failed upon my first drive. Made for some interesting stopping with only one brake working. I got under it and replaced the 3 cylinders and thought I bled the system adequately. One thing I noticed though was that my front drums seemed to be heavily worn, since I could barely adjust the shoes to grip the drums with the adjustment screw. Before the cylinders failed I had only had to slightly pump the brakes to get a firm pedal, but now I have to pump it a good 3-4 times with the first pump going all the way to the floor. Also, on snow, the rear wheels will lock up first with the first pump before I get a firm pedal. Seems like pressure is going to the rear before the fronts are getting any pressure. Would this be my master cylinder going bad or do I just need to bleed the system more? Thanks again for any info.