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Lord Hippo
…popped in ta see what yous lot are up to in ere. Currently on me last week of me round the world tour of Landyzone ta see if the other Land Rover products break down just as much as Freelanders do. Wiff the most freds, un the most posts, it seems yer Disco’s is very broken.

Whilst in ere I plan ta find the answer to the ultimate question: Is a Disco a poor mans Range Rover, a thinking mans tratter, or just an ole rust bucket?

Anyways enough chattin. After visiting the Series peeps fer the last week am starving. They dun’t have food in there place. I gets the feeling there’s a kebab shop in ere, looking at yous lot. :5bseeya:

Just for you, Hippo :D
Thanks mate. Think I’ll sit ere by the fire in this ere deck chair I’ve found, and scoff the lot. :)

Night all.
Having had a few discos and once a gaylander (the wife made me do it honest ) I must say that I would never have one of them again. It was a pice of spontaneously combusting pile of blue turd don't get me wrong it was nice while it lasted all 5 weeks of it and it was better than the vitara I started on but any car that sets it's self alight when I'm in it dose not get my vote. Sorry hippo I know you love them there just not for me. I would rather fix the rust than burn to death :D:D:D:D
What's this with the doors? I've had two Freelanders and the doors never fell off. But on my Disco TDi both front doors refused to shut after a few weeks and had to be fixed under warranty. The roofs haven't leaked on the Freeelanders either.
I saw another new Freelander in town today - 11 plate. I really thought it looked very nice, a bit Range Rovery?

(except for the doors - they weren't on it :D)
Blimey Hippo, ya managed to get a couple of other gaylanderers to join ya. Hope you remembered the Theseus string so they can find their way back.
Evening all.

Ah, there’s loads more in ere tonight. Un some of em are me fellow Freelander owners too. What a nice surprise. :)

After stuffing meself wiff a kebab last night, and another fer breakfast, I has had me tea before coming in ere tonight. Chicken casserole. Lovely. Also brought me shreddies fer breakfast too, as I dun’t want ta be fat like some in ere.

Am glad someone mentioned the topic of doors falling orf…

The historic Freelander door problem has sadly become distorted over time. Well it went like this… a Freelander owner on ere washed their Freelander an accidentally left one of the rear doors open. Then reversed it off his drive, and said door caught a bollard. Mistakenly, many have since said that Freelander doors fall orf if they get wet. That int true. Now I int one ta cause trouble un point fingers, but yous Disco boys have the same problem. Yer even has a dedicated fred fer it. Has become such a problem, that it’s been sticky’d fer all ta see.

See ere: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/disco-door-springs-how-101126.html :p

Ere’s the requested poll to: http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f8/discovery-151491.html :)
Freelanders can go ANYWHERE Gratch. No Disco owner is safe! Just remember to keep your shirt tucked in and don't bend over...:D