Important info X-Eng pedal locks

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blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
It's come to light that the lock can be easily bypassed and they are offering a free upgrade to rectify the issue to all owners that contact them.

Do we know any more info as to whom to contact (if perchance one was purchased from somewhere else other than Foundry 4X4?). Not good news seeing as it is probably the most expensive pedal lock on the market.
Thanks for that.
Just had a read, and will be sorting out ASAP.
Anybody had any parts sent out to them yet?

I think this is literally something that has only come to light in the last 24 - 48 hours as they are still finishing the design of the new parts.

I think this is literally something that has only come to light in the last 24 - 48 hours as they are still finishing the design of the new parts.


Literally over this weekend. The original designer is drawing up plans to cure the fault tomorrow based on a customer's own modification and is promised to be freely available as soon as it's been tested.

There is a little chat around how long this has taken to come to light but they can't be faulted for the urgency that they are taking to address this.

Customer service as it should be
I spoke to Stephen Edwards from Foundry 4x4 this morning and they are still in testing stage for the modification. You can email them in advance to make sure you get your upgrade part, however its not likely to available for several days.
The part will be a simple bolt on replacement that will utilise the existing bolts, you will just need to bolt it on, whole job should take less than 5 mins.
Another update from the Guys who make the X Eng pedal box, being posted on FB.

Stephen EdwardstoLandyWatch
Just now ·
Hi Guys, it has been brought to my attention by customer that there may be another potential weakness in the design of our X-Eng pedal lock. In the interests of transparency and so you can prepare for it I think it is prudent that I make you aware. The customer has stated that if you use a suitable drift and a set of mole grips it is possible to remove the top hinge pin from the pedal lock. It does necessitate removing the door stay to allow you to do it, and he stated that on his first attempt it took him 20 minutes to achieve, but now with practice he has got this time down to 2 minutes. The customer has suggested welding the end of the pin to the formed hinge.

This method of attack is something that was considered when the pedal lock was designed. However, this is not something that you can do silently (i.e. hitting a drift with a hammer) and it takes in excess of 2 minutes even with practice to achieve and requires specific tools.

If customers are particularly concerned by this there is an easy fix for this. If you squash the end of the top hinge nearest the door pillar with a hammer, or peen over the metal, this will effectively make it very difficult to drift the pin in any direction and. We will post up a video tomorrow to show you exactly what we mean. In an effort to address this concern we will squash the hinge end of all future pedal locks.

We would always recommend using a layered approach to security. If the criminal has to waste 2 minutes taking a device out, then another 2 minutes taking another device out and so on and so forth they will either make that much noise they will be discovered or they will hopefully simply give up.

Virtually every security product on the market can be defeated with either the correct tools or enough time. We have never made bold claims that our products are invincible. We hope that they either provide a visible deterrent or are able to slow down the thief long enough that they are caught in the act or give up and move on.


An update from the guys.... as it appeared on FB.

Stephen EdwardstoLandyWatch
1 hr ·
Hi Guys, just to keep you all updated. Simon drew up the upgrade for the pedal lock and we have tested a prototype. We have now got our laser cutters to cut some pre production models which we will send out to randomly picked customers that have enquired about the upgrade as soon as the laser cutters say they are ready. We can hopefully get these tested in the field, and if everybody who tests them is happy with them we can start production. If the people are unhappy then we will make what ever adjustments are necessary based on their feedback. I will endeavour to keep you all updated every step of the way.
Another update from X eng on FB.

Stephen EdwardstoLandyWatch
1 hr ·
have asked on here to test them who have registered with us.
As soon as we have had feedback we can then either press on with production and distribution or alter the design accordingly. In the interest of transparency, one will be sent to Myke who first alerted us to the need for the modification and one will be sent to Tom on the admin team to test on his friends Alex's Defender.

Update from X eng. Via Landywatch FB.

Hi Guys, with regards the X Eng pedal lock upgrade plate, we've taken on board all the feedback we've received and acted on it. We have ordered a thousand modified plates from our laser cutters and hopefully they will be with us this week. We are sticking with the design we sent out because the majority of the people who tested them were happy with that design. The elongated holes ensure all variations of the pedal lock produced are covered and the length of the tang allows for the lock barrel to be fully secured ( the amended instructions will illustrate this ).

We will be altering the fitting instructions as per the feedback we have received. Hopefully this will cover all aspects of fitting ( we will be emailing these to some of the testers that asked for the changes to ensure they are happy that we have covered everything).

Once in stock we will be shipping them out to everyone who has contacted us with their details.We will put up posts on our Facebook page and contact all the Land Rover magazines to put a write up in their new product section notifying their readers of the free upgrade.

I'd like to thank Myke for highlighting the issue in the first place, Simon Rafferty for designing the plate, all the people who have tested the plates and given their feedback. I'd also like to thank the Landywatch forum members for the positive feedback and the opportunity for us the sort this issue out to a hopefully satisfactory conclusion.
