Hi to all Landy owners out there.

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Welcome to Landyzone regular punch up with engines and seatbelts.
Thanks for the welcomes saxovordian and brianp38dse.
I'm reading through so much useful info provided on this site. I have very little to offer in return just yet, but I'm tinkering on little jobs with this cracking vehicle every day, and learning a bit each time, so hopefully one day I can give something back.
Thanks for the welcomes saxovordian and brianp38dse.
I'm reading through so much useful info provided on this site. I have very little to offer in return just yet, but I'm tinkering on little jobs with this cracking vehicle every day, and learning a bit each time, so hopefully one day I can give something back.
Nothing wrong with just having a quick chat about nowt. Keeps the grist going on here even if the subject about anything in general.
Feel free to throw a spanner in whenever you have time.