Hello from West Cork

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New Member
Hi all from West Cork
Just bought a Landrover again after a ten year hiatus. Have a '95 Discovery now, that has just failed its NCT (same as MOT over here) on rear shocks. Could be worse... Used to own a series 3 lightweight in the previous millenium which was the bane of my life, but was unaccountably fond of all the same. Looking forward to getting lots of hints on how to keep my new old-timer on the road. It has plenty of little idiosyncrasies showing up already, re central locking system ( what is going on? ), drips coming through the roof, despite a tube of sikaflex being liberally applied to back sunroof and sills, etc. Ahh, the joys of landrover ownership.....I knew there was something missing from my life! Great to be back there.