Got very Ot!!

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New Member
Managed to sneak off early from work, but Karma was in the passenger seat!!!!!!
Nearly home and I thought something smells hot, and in a panic realised me temp guage was in the red!!!!!
Limped the last few yards and popped the bonnet to find zero coolant in exspansion tank, what looked like quite a lot of coolant around the engine bay and a VERY hot engine, also edge of the auxillary belt badly frayed!!!!

I fink my water pumps fecked, as i've had a bit of a squeak from that area (was going to try the penny trick!) so will have to learn how to sort that
out........but is it likely I've fecked sumink else, head gasket, head can't see moisture in the oil?
I assume the belts frayed cos the pump bearing going has made it harder to turn, although it's not been slipping so I might be talking rubbish.........
All wisdom welcome........if none available just tek **** instead


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have you checked the little bracket that holds that coolant hose hasnt rubbed the belt......pulley can also rub throught the pipe as well as the bracket rubbing throught the pipe......if that makes sense.......i think i ve seen this problem twice before
Strange that only one side of the belt was damaged and that you did not see any clouds of steam, could it be the bearing in the water pump has collapsed throwing the pulley out of alignment and damaging the seal allowing the coolant to leak slowly past it ? If your journey was not to long you may have got away with it, but you will need to get the water pump / belt problem sorted out.
Forgot to ask, whats the penny trick ? I've never heard of that.
Originally Posted by thebiglad
The most obvious and common screeching noise generater is the idler pulley bearing and assembly.

To check for this, slacken the fixing bolt and slip a penny or similar sized washer between the engine and the idler assembly at 9 'o clock, then retighten fixing bolt.

This is an odd-sounding but well-know trick for Tdi 300. I know it sounds daft - but it DOES work.

have you checked the little bracket that holds that coolant hose hasnt rubbed the belt......pulley can also rub throught the pipe as well as the bracket rubbing throught the pipe......if that makes sense.......i think i ve seen this problem twice before

Doesn't look like the bracket has rubbed the belt, and there is no obvious split in any of the hoses!!!!
Although there are two new holes in the underbonnet insulation, looks like I've had mice!!!! Not sure if this related to bits of the belt flying off!!!
Will start pulling it all apart in the morning and see where I get.

OD/Trewey does Tamar 4x4 open Satdy's?????
hmmm.... mice i had them absolutly destroy my bikes wiring loom and airbox while it was shut in the garage one winter....cost me alot of bucks to put right.....i did enjoy watching the cat tear the **** out of the little ****ers thought......
If yer need owt pickin up, ter collect from me later, let me know. Them's only round the corner, but them's numptys.
will pm yer me numbers.
I wuz up your neck o the woods today Trewey, bit wet up there (i was called up for an emergency meeting in a bog!!!)

KTM, if yer needs owt delivered down your way, i am happy to courier as am both liskeard way (if Trewey picks it up) and your way at least once a week.

That'll teach yer ter be a skyvin bastid - i've rung yer boss about it and he says you shoulda stayed workin fer where you were!!!:D:D:D
KTM, if yer needs owt delivered down your way, i am happy to courier as am both liskeard way (if Trewey picks it up) and your way at least once a week.

That'll teach yer ter be a skyvin bastid - i've rung yer boss about it and he says you shoulda stayed workin fer where you were!!!:D:D:D[/quote]

Cheers OD,......Yup was feelin smug that I'd be home for half three on a Friday....but the fickle finger of fate was feckin with me!!!!!
Well, got me pump off, after much feckin about and swearin trying to get ma fan off.....ended up grippin the pulley with pump pliers.....after I 'd spent ages takin the pulley bolts out thinkin I could take the pulley and fan off in one go.......wot a C**t, was lucky I got one lined up and got the pulley back on...tis very tight in there!!!!
Me pump was propper fecked and the impellar I fink that's wot it's called had worn a hole in the casing!!!!

Trewey has very kindly picked me bits up from Liskeard as there was carnage on the A30, so should get it all back together tomorrow


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Tis a shame we dint get our act together earlier.
Me boy, his g/f and me grandaughter have gone down to Flambards today - he coulda couriered the noo pump fer ya, but they'd gone afore ya foned me.
nevva mind.
Tis a shame we dint get our act together earlier.
Me boy, his g/f and me grandaughter have gone down to Flambards today - he coulda couriered the noo pump fer ya, but they'd gone afore ya foned me.
nevva mind.

Flambards....the best day of the week!
New pump fitted, no leaks (yet) had a bit of a moment when the Jubilee clip on the top hose failed, but bodged another one on.
Looks like no other damage, so not too bad.
Big thanks to Trewey for picking me parts up.....
Now, about that Cash N Carry card..........????[/quote]

Yup need to sort that, I've just used the last of my stockpile!!!
Will nip into Bookers Newquay Monday and check out prices etc, keep you an OD posted.
Glad yer back n rolling again, oh how we depend on these things! Spent the day trying to rebuild me rear wiper, which has also gone tits up (least it's not essential i s'pose!)

Yeah, lerrus know about the bookers card, am down to me last 30 litres again! Let me know if you have success (there's one in Sn'Ozzle as well, just round the corner from Doom n Gloom) and i'll meet up with yer (and stop for a pint if yer gorra mo???...speshly if it';s the newquay one, need to re-dose on trailer park types!)