Anyone else had this annoying problem. Turn the off side indicator on, works for the first few flashes then 'Bulb failure' warning comes on message board. Tap the indicator lense and it works again. Go over a bump, it goes off. The small side indicator and rear indicator still flash. I've checked the wiring and no sign of loose connections or frayed wires. I've 'wiggled' the connection to the indicator and still nothing. Any thoughts????
Can i rewire the front indicator to the small side indicator so it works???
Anyone else had this annoying problem. Turn the off side indicator on, works for the first few flashes then 'Bulb failure' warning comes on message board. Tap the indicator lense and it works again. Go over a bump, it goes off. The small side indicator and rear indicator still flash. I've checked the wiring and no sign of loose connections or frayed wires. I've 'wiggled' the connection to the indicator and still nothing. Any thoughts????
Can i rewire the front indicator to the small side indicator so it works???