Can anyone tell me what to look for when inspecting the TD5 flywheel. I've got the clutch out and don't want to rebuild without doin what needs done. The surface of the wheel is free of any damage, but does look as if it has run hot at some point. so does the surface of the pressure plate. Clutch plate is undamaged, but has about half the thickness of new plate on it. Is the slight marbeling of blue on surfaces normal. Not a mechanic and never done clutch before so need some advice. Thanks to anyone who answers in advance.
Also goin to renew fuel pressure regulator as it looks a bit wet about the gills. as well doin it when its easy got at. Do i need to know anything special about that, or is it a bolt off bolt on job?
Also goin to renew fuel pressure regulator as it looks a bit wet about the gills. as well doin it when its easy got at. Do i need to know anything special about that, or is it a bolt off bolt on job?