cranking not starting

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Hi Gents a little help please, So all of a sudden the old girl wont start at all ( 1986, 90) she is usually a first turn of the key starting car even if left for weeks.

The starter motor is less than a year old. So spins the engine lovely

Battery nice and charged having been on a trickle for the last 48hrs

I cant see any fused blown and can feel the relay behind the fuse box clicking.

Having read everything i can find on this forum i am still at a loss to what it can be, Help.
sorry engine, its the old style 2.5 turbo diesel, not the new 200tdi, I can never remember if that the 12J or 19J
Run a wire directly from battery + to the fuel stop solenoid terminal on the injection pump. You should hear and feel a click. Crank it with the wire in place and see if it starts then.
Getting a bit ahead of myself there.
First check that the existing wired connection is good and not just fallen off:D
You should have 12v on that wire with ign on AND whilst cranking;)
crickey, have you a picture
No but it's easy enough.
There's a lump of metal with 4 thin steel pipes going to each injector on the driver's side of the engine. That lump is the injection pump. It will have 1 wire on it that connects to the stop solenoid. When that has 12 volts it will allow fuel to flow, no volts means no fuel so no start.