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Hey everyone,

can anyone recommend an areil options for me

Is metal better than rubber

in hot climates does the rubber one get fragile over time and crack, as i live in a very hot country.

is there such an items as a in car areil

can i use the same areil for a radio and CB

rob :cool:
For a CB you want a very long ariel. Mines about eight foot. If you don't mind halving your range to about 5 miles you can use a short antenna for a CB. That should be enough range for what you will ever need.
Hey there,

thanks for the info, on the antenna's started looking up the internal glass mounted one's on line.

Does any one use the window mounting one's that you stick to the inside of your car. T SHAPED

If so any reviews on the quality of reception.

The CB question was just shot of the top of the brain that was not working at the time of writting this thread SORRY. i know you cant use the same antenna.

thanks all

You can use your CB aerial for your radio if you fit a switchbox either manual or automatically switched.

A simple home-made switch is a relay with a signal diode which will kick in the instant you key the mic on your cb rig. I made one years ago in a tobacco tin, it worked very well and never caused any problems (though there is a tiny amount of power lost in the cb output as a fraction is used to operate the relay, however, you will have to re-swr your twig if I remember correctly,) I found the diagram in an old cb mag, but cannot remember which - It must be on the net somewhere.

Ron. P.S. - I should have mentioned, that instead of switching between aerials, I connected it to switch between transmitter/radio all to one aerial
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