Anyone going to this ?

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So. Are we meeting up before or after the 'sort out' fer green lanein? Lanein' first would be handy, then I cun also shop fer all the bits that git broken and fall off...
Steady on HG, it starts at 11 am and I'll only just make that if I leave here at about 8am - I think the laning had best wait until after, at least fer me anyways!
Yeah, fkn 'ell lady! Keep yer boots on!

Meeting Adz at the boozer we went to in Curridge 10:30/11am. Wanna all meet up there? If Adz ain't got yer mobile & you ain't got a CB, best you PM us yer number so's we can all hook up wivout ****ing aboot.

Quite excited aboot tomorrow now. Landy shopping an' laning, all in a day, FKN TOPS!
We put 2 trailers together today all sorts of stuff, we're gonna be next to some friends of mine who are in the ORRP forum and they are making bacon sarnies. A mate of mine asked today if his missus could come and said that she will cooking the bacon topless!!! Now that will be extreme cooking worth watching.
Aww! ok. Just gitttin a bit excited meself!! Topless bacon butty makin dun't quite do it for me! Me bred in't buttered that side! .. so whilst you lots ogglin' boobs, i'll take me bacon butty an go find the bargins! And see if I cun find any of them 'knobvision goggles' marcus wuss talkin about in a different thread....:)
Top day!

Thanks to Bradj999 for the excellent bacon rolls. No, er, 'baps' sadly, but much appreciated none the less.

Found a good bonnet fer me III & a few other worthwhile bits. Adz got beaten by seconds to some Wolf rims, HybridGirl searched high & low fer new flaps, but just couldn't find a matching pair & we even had time to send sum fone pics to Daft of some wheelbarrow tyres we spotted to improve his slitty!

How wuz yer day Clivees? Get the bits you wanted & flogged the bits you didn't?

I've started 'The old sods impromptu laning fred' in the green lane section fer HybridGirl to post her pics of Adz, herself & me getting down & dusty.

That was one serious drop into a, er, dunno, 'muddy pond' we found weren't it?
Yer, was a cracking day oot... Little bit of food and beer (I am entirely convinced that the bacon roll was better than the £7 baguette we had at the pub later - cheers Brad and friends) and some good, if sarcky, company.

Pity about the rims, but hey ho. I've got a backup plan ;)

Was a bit deep to be called a puddle - but the byway ran smack through it and there was no stream feeding it so it can't 'ave been a pond... only thing I can think of to call it would be 'lake'.

The muddy pond was cool!!! Liked that bit best!! I am NOT sar-car-stick!! Top day guys! Thanks fer the bacon sarnie brad!! Sorry fer blastin dust in yer face Marcus!! Still got pond weed on me 'under carrige' n'all! QUOTE FROM MARCUS: "Oooh! It is a pretty colour your Landy is'nt it?" :p ;) :D
Ya wunt have pond weed on yer unnercarraige if yud found a pair of flaps, wud ya!

Weeeeeell, it is a pretty colour!

No I wud'nt! But I was'nt gonna settle fer 'cheep second rate flaps'. They had to be the 'finest and most attractive flaps' and it wuss imperitive that they matched cos no one wud want to be seen out with a girl who has 'odd flaps'.

AND you sed Hybrids Hybrid dus'nt look like a Frankenstiens monster...:)
Nope, nothing worser than odd flaps and yeeeees, I did say yer motor's a good un' dunt milk it, yer sounding like Daft!

Still haven't had a reply frum him about our 'helpful' text pictures t'day. No pleasing sum people!
Maybe he dropped his phone in the sea when he wus paddling??! Or buried it in the sand by mistake when he wus buildin sand castles? Or maybe he just dus'nt like us anymore:( :( :(