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bought some 'touch up paint' for my landy, which is 'orkney grey', a medium/neutral grey colour
the paint is a dark, slate colour.. i know paints lighten as they dry.. but i've done a test (not on the car) and its nowhere even close
They also lighten as they age in the sun etc. How old is the old paint?
Have you tried mixing it with a little white paint?
Do you have the paint code for the car?
Could you take a piece of the car with you to somewhere like Halfrauds where they will paint match to what you have rather than go by the old code?
Or maybe you could paint a piece of summat with a lightened mix of the grey you got and the white and get them to mix a rattle can.
Best of luck.
Yeeeeee! HaaaaaaaaH!
FINALLY got my Brother laser printer to print double sided, flipping on the long edge.
I thought I had tried everything. But no I hadn't properly downloaded and installed a printer driver from Brother. No matter what I tried it would do it but only flipped on the short edge, even if I selected that trying to use reverse psychology on the printer! I felt like the computer talking to the bomb in Dark Star!! (Really fun cult movie if you have never seen it. DON'T read the wikipedia page first as all it does is give you spoilers!) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Star_(film)


(My life is so dull I take great pleasure in minor successes like this!!)
...that I am very pleased for my Wife. :D
We have both been following a low-carb high-protein diet since June.
She has lost bit more weight than me but the real result has been in her 20Y+problem with diabetes (type 2) is now so well controlled that everything they can measure is so clearly in the green (aka Perfect) that they will reduce/remove meds in 6 months if things stay the same. I am so pleased for her and also chuffed for me because I tried to get her to join me in a keto diet a few years ago and she was afraid to do so because of its possible ramifications for her diabetes. I lost 3 stone and felt great. Then Covid struck and we all went off the rails. The mutual support for each other on the same diet plan will be a really good thing.
Blimey, if she can come off Metformin after 20+ years it really tells the lie to the "Diabetes Dogma". :D
...that I am very pleased for my Wife. :D
We have both been following a low-carb high-protein diet since June.
She has lost bit more weight than me but the real result has been in her 20Y+problem with diabetes (type 2) is now so well controlled that everything they can measure is so clearly in the green (aka Perfect) that they will reduce/remove meds in 6 months if things stay the same. I am so pleased for her and also chuffed for me because I tried to get her to join me in a keto diet a few years ago and she was afraid to do so because of its possible ramifications for her diabetes. I lost 3 stone and felt great. Then Covid struck and we all went off the rails. The mutual support for each other on the same diet plan will be a really good thing.
Blimey, if she can come off Metformin after 20+ years it really tells the lie to the "Diabetes Dogma". :D
Really happy for you! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I have a friend who is also diabetic and has managed to more or less overcome it by diet and a phenomenal amount of excercise. He runs marathons etc and TBH he used to be a typical short, fat Sicilian! (It's his kids we are Godparents to.)

Jealous though as I put myself on a low carbs diet back in 1979 and have been on and off it ever since. W and I only eat Brekker and dinner, she eats like a bird and although not as over weight as I am, isn't losing weight and I am just constantly battling to stay in my jeans. She bought me a fancy 36" belt for Christmas, Osprey. Flipping thing won't fasten round my waist. Although I think it is badly labelled as others I have that I can fasten 2 holes in, are sized similar.

Still I'll have to Google keto diet. Tried "Dry January" made no flipping difference at all.
I realised that I've been doing what's now called 'intermittent fasting' for a long time. I noticed 20 odd years ago that if I have more than one big meal a day it just goes on round my waist. So I find if I stick to just one, I remain around the right sort of shape. Now it's become kind of trendy. I'm not weighing myself, but the rule of thumb I adopt is that if I don't overhang my beltline and my chest remains bigger than my waist I'm probably in the right ballpark. I have also noticed that whilst the first fifty years of my life were dominated by cakes and biscuits, I'm just not as attracted to them as I once was, and when I do eat them they taste a bit too sweet. Maybe my body's decided it just doesn't need all the sugar any more.

Right, just off upstairs to hammer the weights for a bit.
They also lighten as they age in the sun etc. How old is the old paint?
Have you tried mixing it with a little white paint?
Do you have the paint code for the car?
Could you take a piece of the car with you to somewhere like Halfrauds where they will paint match to what you have rather than go by the old code?
Or maybe you could paint a piece of summat with a lightened mix of the grey you got and the white and get them to mix a rattle can.
Best of luck.
The car is 11yo and yes it might have lightened slightly but not this much.
I've done a test, fully dried and it's still a totally different colour, much much darker, not just a shade difference
Have yer scraped the bottom of the tin when mixing it?
It's a 30ml touch up pen/bottle 17043761535770.jpg
bought some 'touch up paint' for my landy, which is 'orkney grey', a medium/neutral grey colour
the paint is a dark, slate colour.. i know paints lighten as they dry.. but i've done a test (not on the car) and its nowhere even close
How old is the Landy? I know fur sure that my Tratter int the same white as when it were new any more.

Read to end of thread before replying dummy..!
...that I am very pleased for my Wife. :D
We have both been following a low-carb high-protein diet since June.
She has lost bit more weight than me but the real result has been in her 20Y+problem with diabetes (type 2) is now so well controlled that everything they can measure is so clearly in the green (aka Perfect) that they will reduce/remove meds in 6 months if things stay the same. I am so pleased for her and also chuffed for me because I tried to get her to join me in a keto diet a few years ago and she was afraid to do so because of its possible ramifications for her diabetes. I lost 3 stone and felt great. Then Covid struck and we all went off the rails. The mutual support for each other on the same diet plan will be a really good thing.
Blimey, if she can come off Metformin after 20+ years it really tells the lie to the "Diabetes Dogma".
3 STONE blime me if I lost that I'd be in hospital