FBH still firing

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New Member
Hi Guys,

As weather has got warmer(5c plus) noticed FBH still running on every journey. Followed great advice on this forum and tried pulling fuse 5 from engine bay for 2mins to reset, and then bought new landy air temp sensor.

Last week finally got the blasted bumper on and off after many rusted screws. fitted new sensor... but its still on every time I run the car and switch the engine off? Pulling my hair out and can't believe the new sensor hasn't fixed it. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/images/smilies/mad.gif

Can anyone help? Is it a fault code that needs clearing possibly or something wrong with wiring or the chance I have purchased a brand new boxed faulty sensor? Not very experienced with electrical stuff but could borrow a multimeter if someone doesn't mind pointing me in the right direction to problem solve

Any suggestions or have i missed something ... Greatly appreciated!


Freelander TD4 54 plate 2004 (Face-lift)
I had something similar. No
Matter what, the FBH fired up on a morning. That's not a big problem, but after having the battery off for so
E work, now it won't fire up.
I can only assume those temp sensors are crap.
I'm going to put a manual override on so I can force it on it off at will.
As I understand it, a switch in series and parallel to the temp sensor should do the trick.
If that works, I might go full remote control.
Thanks for your post.
Just wondering if you or anyone knows as a temporary fix is it okay to remove fuse 5 permantly till I can get it checked. Manual says fuse 5 does fbh and engine management? I have the td4 SE model and don't want to be driving around without this fuse in if the engine needs it for other circuits.
Cheers J
when I took fuse 5 out for the umpteenth time I had the dreded three amigos come on so put the fuse back and pulled the plug on the fbh
I have a 04 SE td4 as well, mine came on this morning at 17degs outside.
It's always done it. Depths of winter or height of summer, doesnt matter.
Was that unplug the fuse or the actual heater. If latter is it an obvious cable to access or does the bumper need to be taken off again?
had same problem always running. pulled no.5 fuse out about 3 weeks ago, so far no problems everything seems to be working.
Pull the plug from the FBH, I think you can see it from under the front driver's side wing.

Search for FBH and plug in this forum as I know it's been covered recently with very good description of where the plug is, sadly I've had beer since so don't remember the precise details.

The fault could be the mother board in the FBH, google "French Mike + fuel burning heater" to find a guy who fixes them for not too many quids :)
there might not be anything wrong, night time temps are still low enough for it to come on unless your in the south east
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