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  • Hello guineafowl21
    You gave me some advice regarding my td4 a few weeks ago. I have been unable to find the post. Just wanted to let you know that your diagnosis was spot on. Truck running fine now. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post.
    Regards J111HJH
    • Like
    Reactions: guineafowl21
    The search isn’t working, and I can’t remember your thread - what was the problem/solution?
    Hello there,

    Thank you very much for taking the trouble to reply and for the link.
    Problem solved.

    With many thanks,

    Ellis Griffith
    Thank you very much could I ask who you used to repair or did you sort out problem cheers
    Darwen sent me the seals and LR special tool and I did the job myself - same problem as yours, leaking when cold.
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