
New Member
Hi there ppl
This is my 1st time using this forum, ive been having a flick thru and its made me realise that this site is for ppl that have bought a land rover and like me for most of you, like me, it seems to be a dream?
A bit about me so you have a feel for what im about- i operate my own company. ive built it up from scratch using only what i know and been shown by others. Its a construction/ surveying company so on some occasions i end up in places that you wouldnt even want to walk through. So i need to have a vehicle that gets me into these places and stands a better than average chance of getting me out. Ive been to pay and play sites, as well as on construction sites and everybody is of the same belief. if you want an out and out offroader you buy a Land rover, these same ppl will also tell you in the same breath but be prepared to fix the problems when they happen.
With this in mind i was doing a lot of mileage but still needed something dependable so i bought the only comparible rival a HI-LUX mk5. This truck has never let me down pulled me and various other items of plant out of many muddy fields. I however let it down and drove it into the back of a parked car at 50MPH (car was parked in the outside lane of dual carriageway in the dark with no lights on). However truck drove away from accident, new rad, new front plastics and bit of paint later and she still doesnt miss a beat. That truck i felt was a bit of a bad omen 4me i thought so i sold it on to a mate. I then bought Hilux Mk6 new out of showroom as soon as i drove it out of showroom i realised it wasnt half the truck of its predeccessor but i stuck with it.
After getting stuck in many muddy puddles and speed humps i thought ive gotta do somethin bout this. So after a lot of thought i thought ill get the missus a new car something that can be used for work and family. So i took her round all local dealerships Audi, BMW, Ford then finally Land Rover to my surprise she walked straight up to a defender90 jumped in and said i like this! My initial response was to turn round look at the sky and whispered "yes there is a god and hes answered my prayers". Long story short, took outta Lease hire agreement with Vansdirect for new Defender90xs, signed to say id pay them there money from now until infinity and u all know the rest.
MY DREAM ARRIVED- sorry her dream!!!sept08
Dolly was delivered paperwork dealt with and she was mine(sorry hers). Dolly run like a dream all i expected and more, she was complaining that it was to big to park so i had an earbashing for bout 3wks till i couldnt bear it no more, give in and had parking sensors fitted (i was having nightmares bout the numerous cars that were gettin dents in the car park). Anyways dolly was faultless pulled me out through hedges backwards and more oh and got plenty of shopping on its days off.
MAR 09 whilst drivin noticed turbo noise was fading in n out when sitting at constant revs so when i got to work opened hood to discover there was engine oil sprayed all around engine bay. phoned land rover assist they sent technician out told me there was an oil leak coming from oil brake pump, he couldnt fix it it would have to be recovered. so at about 11.00am vehicle was taken away on tow truck- they were sourcing replacement- 19.00 enterprise delivered range rover. i thought not bad upgrade, lads thought they were kings all complaints about hunger and having to wait round were 4gotten. Dolly was recovered from longstanton, Cambridge to CON RICO west london???? anyway 4days later your vehicle is ready for collection- in west london, "oh OK". phone rings 10minutes later, enterprise weve been told to come and collect hire vehicle today from longstanton. Oh ok how do i get Dolly?????? anyway drove in hilux to hounslow and got lift w/family from hounslow to CON Rico. I asked what had been replaced they said an O-ring in the brake pump, i asked for paperwork to back up repairs i was informed that there policy was to send paperwork to land rover and i wasnt entitled to anything. Oh ok well i tell u what im gonna stand here till u talk to whoever and get me something. 30seconds later an invoice for work carried out was handed to me- billed to land rover. Lifted Hood when got home found an oily rag still under hood with none of the oil cleaned from engine bay.
April 09 Family Holiday time. Saturday 13.30 gets back from work pulls up outside of house tells her to get stuff together well go away for few days. While ffaffin bout what to take and where to put it i decide to check oil, water and all the neccesaries b4 we head off. Open bonnet- Oil everywhere. Ring Land Rover assist, because its recurring problem where gonna get somebody out to you but bcoz we can ascertain what it is and your at home we'll get somebody out to you as soon as we can. 3hours later no response, call land rover assist, we have nobody in your area at moment and as its the weekend and your at home,it probably wont be till monday. "Yeah like F#*k ill wait im going on holiday, my vehicle is parked outside my house because it cant go anywhere my deal with u is that u will assist me, now pls assist me". LR- Mr Robinson if u continue to get annoyed down the phone we wont be able to help you. Me- Sorry but some ppl mistake passion for anger. 17.45 recovery truck takes dolly away. LR-Enterprise will only b able to provide with a mondeo or similiar for now and well upgrade if we can. Me- sorry but my contract states like for like does that mean u compare a defender to a mondeo???, i didnt except mondeo! Mon 15.00 enterprise rang herself due to the fact my anger? was offending there customer service reps. We have a range rover for you were would you like it delivered, oh wasnt that nice 2days later. Dolly Taken to CON Rico again- New complete Oil Brake pump, engine bay cleaned this time. problem solved!?
MAY 09 New Hilux Stolen
The battle for rite to drive DOLLY Begins. after weeks of disputes over who needed most i gave in and reclaimed the old mk5 hilux- still drives like a dream!
DEC 09 Whilst finally gettin back in dolly i notice engine temp not pickin up till done lot of miles, also smell of something acrid in cockpit and blue smoke coming out of exhaust, open hood oil leak. dec18 ring land rover assist- me- have problem with land rover again. LR- what seems to be the problem. ME- im not really qualified to comment but as your the experts ill tell you whats indicating theres a problem and you fix-it. Ive got a persistent Oil leak, Engine temp not reading on Gauge, Weird Accrid smell in Cabin and discoloured smoke coming out of exhaust. LR ok we'll get a technician out asap. 1hr later technician arrives checks out vehicle, from his manner he knows the problems, maybe hes been to many??? tech informs me that has to go to garage. i was in hounslow so he informs me that CON Rico is closest, i asked if possible i would like to try my luck with a different garage. LR ok we'll take it to guy salmon in Thames Ditton. Vehicle gets recovered LR we'll get enterprise to get u a replacement but as its snowing and where having a lot of problems with vehicles not coping with snow.Me- Oh really well maybe they better ring me and tell me what they do have. Enterprise- Due to snow im sorry the only car we have available is a focus. After 2days of discussions i except the focus enterprise informed me they would call me back if they had an upgrade. 29jan10 land rover technician rang me from workshop, how ru doin sir im working on your vehicle now.
weve fixed the oil leak, weve installed a new oil brake pump
weve chk'd the engine temp problem but weve chk'd the thermostat/temp gauge and that seems to be working fine. ME- so what does that tell you. tech- oh yes sir ill look into it
Fumes in cabin, tech- ive actually chk'd the vehicle over and ive sat in the vehicle and i dont smell any fumes. ME- oh really and you sat in the vehicle in a workshop where there are 20-30vehicles with engines running, that you work in everyday and you cant smell any difference. Tech- No sir
Discoloured smoke from exhaust- tech- no more than usual.
Me- ok u fix what u c but b4 that vehicle comes back 2me can you give me a full written report of what was wrong and what you did to it.
tech- no problem
04dec10 your vehicle is ready for collection, i informed that i was working silly hours and what little time i had i used to spend time w/ family and catch up on sleep. LR ok we'll deliver it. Me- when you deliver it can you leave the paperwork as discussed w/ the vehicle. LR- No problem. 14.00 LR your vehicle has been delivered sir, i didnt have time to wait at the door so i just posted keys through letterbox. Me- ok so you leave £25k of my money sat on the road with the keys through the letterbox that you dont know for sure is the rite1. LR yes sir. me- that door that youve put the keys thru is open all day and all nite the door that is locked is the nxt one in......LR if anything happens to your vehicle it will be covered on our insurance. me- oh thats nice to know but i wouldnt put my money on it.
get home 5dec 04.00 Dolly is parked 8 houses down w/ no paerwork as agreed. 06dec 09.00 LR just calling to chk everythin was satisfactory. me- told them exactly how it occurred and asked for paperwork. LR if the garage hasnt sent paperwork ill get them to post it straightaway, ok thanks. 06dec10.00 move dolly onto drive, sounding better and i think oh at least theyve valeted it this time. I think but the alpine fresh is a bit strong just for a valet. As i get out i pull the seat forward so her highness doesnt tell me off, when lo and behold an airfreshener falls out from under the seat, i look under the passenger where my boy sits in his chair not even 2 and theres another air freshener. Im thinkin thats strange i wonder why they where under there.
11dec 06.30 driving to work in DOLLY as its icy, drive about 1mile from house. Engine loses power yellow engine management light comes on dash. Able to drive dolly but at snails pace takes me 20minutes 2drive 1mile. get back to house put dolly on drive go inside ring LRAssist. vehicle has broken down gone into rescue mode. LR is it an orange/red light on the dash. me- theres a light on the whether it be blue/pink and me vehicle aint goin anywhere, that tells me theres a problem, now can you pls recover this vehicle and get me a replacement. 09.30 recovery truck arrives to take vehicle, rtruck get himself ready to go knocks on door can i load the vehicle. me- give me a second, ring land rover- im struggling to find any paperwork from last time the vehicle can you tell me if its been put somewhere in the vehicle and ive overlooked it. LR ill phone the dealer and find out where it is. 10.00 LR dealership has letter in branch they are posting it this morning. ME- oh ok if letter is in branch im only 10mins down the road can somebody bring it down to me. LR ok no problem we'll get someone to bring it down to you right away. ME- ok thanks for bein so helpful. 11.45 rec truck op- my office are telling me if the vehicles not on in 15mins ive got pull off. me- ok youve gotta do what youve gotta do but they said there bringing the letter, so im gonna have to wait. 12.30 LR weve posted the letter to u sir ru ok to let the recovery driver take your vehicle. Me- ok so if youve posted a letter you'll have a draft of the letter. LR yes sir. me- ok well if thats the case can you email it to me, i should have it within 10minutes. LR no problem sir well do that straight away but the recovery driver has to take the vehicle now. me- with everything thats been goin on this morning ive mislaid the keys but that should give me time to find them while you send the email. LR ok sir we'll get onto it rite away. 14.30 LR ok sir weve been informed by the recovery firm that your refusing to let him load vehicle. ME- well ive been waiting by the computer for an email for the last 2hours, so i havent even found the keys yet. LR ok sir ill chk where the email is. 14.45 recieved email, not from land rover but personal email from somebody in branch. draft letter attachment dated 11jan10.
i found the keys give them to the op and told him he was ok to load it. when vehicle was loaded i asked if it was ok to go with vehicle op said no problem.... he was bit gutted he had to leave the coffee pot and fags behind. 15.10 arrived at showroom offloaded dolly and drove it on to forecourt, the only available space seemed to be right outside the front door and i had to account for ppl to get behind it so i parked it as tight against building as possible. being conscientious landy owner i locked it and went to seek assistance.
Nobody wanted to spk to me, did i smell or did i have a leaching wound on my head. When i stepped out on to the forecourt it dawned that id pulled up in a defender not an overfinch or vogue. the curse of it nearly knocked me sick. a young dude in a shiny spanking new RRSport hse decided he had the time to spk 2me. i told him that my vehicle had been recovered and it was the only place i could squeeze it in. i was informed that the aftersales dept was rite down the road and id have to walk. where ru goin i said, he informed he was goin down the road but he was goin beyond the aftersales. ok so you can drop me on the way. oh he said i suppose i could. as we were driving down the road he was telling me that when the vehicles come in there set to only go to 19miles as they are so finely balanced, they have to be unlocked by computer. i thought well u just wait till its done 20kmiles and been used as its described a utility vehicle and computer or no computer its gonna lock up good.
15.25 get to aftersales inform them of my predicament, take a seat somebody will be with you. me- ok but do you have a letter for me, it was there.
When i read i couldnt believe what i was seeing
oil leak- new oil brake pump
engine temp- fitted new temp gauge/thermostat
Fume in cabin- nothing apparent
smoke from exhaust- nothing excessive
16.00after a lot of discussions with LR customer service they informed me they didnt have to give me a like for like replacement and all enterprise had was a corsa. ok i said im sitting in a Land rover showroom and your telling me u dont have a vehicle to give me. LR no sir, we supply vehicles thru enterprise. me- but yes ive paid my money to land rover.
LRCS- but yes sir if we were to let you take a showroom vehicle that would be costing us money. me- oh so dont worry about the money youve cost me today. LR well sir u did buy a defender you should expect it to let you down. me- do you have any used sales vehicles on this site? LRCS well yes but there for sale not for hire. me- but they are land rover vehicles. LRCS yes but ive spoken to the dealership manager and he informs me that any courtesy vehicles he has are for his loyal and dedicated customers. me- oh ok so do i have a worldwide land rover assist. LRCS yes. me- so ru telling me that if i broke down in uganda, i would have to build a rapport with the local dealership b4 i get a replacement vehicle if they couldnt fix my own. LRCS now your twisting my words, me- are these phonecalls recorded. LRCS YES all of them. Me- well listen to them and youll realise that your the ones twisting your own words.
16.30 2 ppl walked 1 male 1female walked straight to coffee bar then to counter as male stood at counter i noticed the paperwork he was carrying was enterprise. when i looked outside sitting there was a silver 59plate corsa. i went back in and sat down.
16.35 lady asked for a mister mesacal..... no hes not here and they left with the corsa.
16.50 LRCS rang me back and said that they were sourcing me another vehicle from a different branch. Sorry about the confusion and i should sell the vehicle it seems to be a problem for u. Me- i love my vehicle that vehicle is the 1 thing that ive always wanted to own. Built to last, nuts and Bolts engineering, British Engineering at its best and your destroying its british heritage because your trying to save money...... and becoz it doesnt have vogue or overfinch you think youve gotta rite to fob me off.LRCS phone went dead.
17.20 enterprise ring me theyve sourced another vehicle its in the showroom where i was and theyd have to come get it clean it and transport me back to new malden to pick it up.
18.00 get to new malden and theres a 09 jag xf luxury sitting waiting for me. it wasnt my defender or a 4x4 but i had a lot of miles to do that weekend and the car was perfect.

i have now have the problem that my vehicle is sat on a driveway 50miles from my base (but it was the driveway they collected it from). That Vehicle was a dream a dream ive had since a boy, that when i get to a stage where i can buy one i will.
Now i have the dillemma do i take a vehicle back that i know will have recurring problems because of the damage thats been done by the incompetence of land rover, i dont mean the technicians they go to work everyday to do a job and feed there families. However there working in an environment where evrything is plug and play and unless a computer tells them where the problem they dont have the knowledge to diagnose a simple problem.

Land rover customer service have now informed that its not land rover warranty where my problem lies. Its with the dealer that i purchased the vehicle from. As they also informed that bcoz i bought the vehicle through a private lease hire firm i dont have the same purchase protection rights as somebody who purchased it from a dealer.
can somebody pls give me some guidance on how to handle this one, bcoz im starting to get myself angry with the whole situation. If somebody is having similiar difficulties pls post a thread and hopefully together we can stop these money hungry barbarians destroying what is british heritage.

Many Thanks
God Bless

Will Robinson
buy older cos the new generation of land rovers are crap !

you cant beat the old 300tdi or 200tdi after tem it all started going tits up for land rover. with the onset of computers in them i wouldnt entertain a new one now.
not only that the new defenders are to discovery inside and they dont even have the one thing that made land rovers special, the little vent flaps on the balkhead ! on todays rubbish its just an indentation.

land rover are now not worth bothering with. they have lost the origonal thing that made them so special, simplicity. or am i to much of a purist ?
they take something that works and has worked in the same principle for over 50yrs. slap a mass produced diesel unit out of a transit and think by sticking whopping great turbo on it that it'll produce consistently the same power. becoz they could save money? the ppl that design cars now seem to believe that they have to be airtight environments.... thats what makes land rovers so special to be able to drive to the middle of nowhere and be able to have the air wafted around naturally
Hi Def58xs,
Hi Will,

I don't think I can help with your predicament. I do hope you get it sorted asap tho.

There are loads of us in Luton most of us have older LR's I'm near Lewsy and the quite near the hospital. PM if you fancy coming out laning or somthing when you get the motor sorted. LR seems to be full of Arses and Idiots. Mechanics have been repleced by fitters and only fit items that the computer tells them to. Kinda fixing the resultant problem than the cause. Jai
Phone lease company and say you want a new vehicle and take that one back , as technically its theirs. :)
Yeah, sorry .. the full version is ....

He bought a new Defender, summat fecked up on it, a few times, Main Stealers fecked it up, a few times, he's ****ed off ...
fookinell its a landrover what would ya expect:cool:
yes landyman you do expect it..... thats the nature of the beast! thats why ive paid my money and taken land rover assist.... now theyve taken my money they dont want to keep to their contract, if i stopped payin they would take me to every court in the land. They would say i was being dishonest. This is quite short so maybe you can be bothered to read this then you should be able to comment on what is fact
Its more a tale of how bad the after sales customer service is.
its more a tale of how there destroying british heritage in the name of money.... there technicians arent much cop.... if there are any mechanics out there pls give me a diagnoses from the problems i told them?
To be honest I agree with you.

I've never had a new Landrover, I doubt I ever will, but if they treated me this way I'd be fuming. I think I'd be so annoyed I'd do something st00pid!

OTOH, I think what I'd probably do is make up a nice sign and park outside the main stealers place until they did something .. then continue to 'advertise' their shoddiness till it was completely fixed .. Local Radio, papers and TV love this kind of 'public action' thing, and the stealers know it .. ;)
looks like you've had a bad ride fella , i would return it to the leasing agent and go the the old not fit for purpose route to get a replacement.
yes landyman you do expect it..... thats the nature of the beast! thats why ive paid my money and taken land rover assist.... now theyve taken my money they dont want to keep to their contract, if i stopped payin they would take me to every court in the land. They would say i was being dishonest. This is quite short so maybe you can be bothered to read this then you should be able to comment on what is fact
so why not let them do that
then you can fight your case as to why your not keeping the contract wiv them?
Hello ppl..... thanks for the input, the vehicle is actually lease purchase i may have put hire on the original posting though, my bad!
Anyway i could just give the vehicle back and get my money back if they would let me but that would be giving these animals a way out..... i bought that vehicle bcoz im sick and tired of throwing money down the drain on cars that depreciate so fast your in negative equity as soon as you drive out the showroom, your on a one way road to the scrap heap..... my neighbour has a serie2 that sits on his drive maybe moves it twice a year but when he does it starts and goes..... thats what i was told i was buying, thats what i believed i was buying! Now bcoz Land rover are range rover mad they dont care what happens to the vehicle that got them where they are..... thats when it was british and ppl where proud to drive it. Now its like the ugly sister nobody wants.... I didnt buy it with my eyes closed thats why i bought the assist. Every forum i flick thru there seems to be a problem with oil pressure, ie the Oil brake pump, theyve changed mine 3times, wouldnt that tell anybody with half a brain its not the oil brake pump its another process in the cycle ie the engine cant handle the oil pressure bcoz it hasnt been developed to work that hard.
My biggest kick in the gonads is that i told them there were fumes in the cabin, that didnt smell like my BO. So they didnt investigate the problem they just stuck air fresheners in hidden place to mask the smell..... my family use that vehicle on a daily basis..... somebody screws w/ my familys safety i wanna straightener, whatever it takes. I probably would of been better to buy an older vehicle but how are tax laws work in this rattrap its leaner to lease purchase (4me anyway). Drop me an email if you can offer your assistance however, if we can all input on this thread with whatever issues you have we stand together not as 1 individual with a rocket up bot. Then maybe my grankids can have the same dream of driving a land rover that i had as a kid...... dont mean to sound like and idealist/dreamer just trying to b a realist.

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