if its lease purchase then you have a tri partate agreement in place contact your finance company and explain the situation to them they have to help out its part of the contract they may kick but they have to after all you have a contract with them its simular to buying something on a credit card that is also a tri partate agreement not a lot of info but it gets complicated look into the t/cs on your agreement

when did you take the agreement out is it in your business or private name if its private its regulated then you have more protection

also with the warranty and back up service its an insurance there fore its covered by the FSA so lots of avenues to explore there the good news is that you took out a finance agreement so have a lot more back up than if you paid cash or took out a bank loan

Sorry about the lack of punctuation but :)
if its lease purchase then you have a tri partate agreement in place contact your finance company and explain the situation to them they have to help out its part of the contract they may kick but they have to after all you have a contract with them its simular to buying something on a credit card that is also a tri partate agreement not a lot of info but it gets complicated look into the t/cs on your agreement

when did you take the agreement out is it in your business or private name if its private its regulated then you have more protection

also with the warranty and back up service its an insurance there fore its covered by the FSA so lots of avenues to explore there the good news is that you took out a finance agreement so have a lot more back up than if you paid cash or took out a bank loan

Sorry about the lack of punctuation but :)

Thanks it is Lease purchase, i went thru vansdirect.... this is now lowcostvans. They inform as theyve just bought the debt the original contract isnt with them.....oooh that makes my blood boil:mad:
i took the agreement out in my company name but bcoz vansdirect where being clever with liability they registered the vehicle in my name and made the finance to me c/o company.... can you shed any light on this sitch?
can anybody recommend anyone that can give me an engineers report...... somebody that cant be disputed and would stand up in front of the man in the wig and tell nothing but the truth so help him god
Sounds like you might move this forward by getting professional help .. Consumer Advice Bureau are good, and might also advise on a decent local solicitor .. even if all they do is send an initial solicitors letter it might have some positive effect on them.
Thanks it is Lease purchase, i went thru vansdirect.... this is now lowcostvans. They inform as theyve just bought the debt the original contract isnt with them.....oooh that makes my blood boil:mad:
i took the agreement out in my company name but bcoz vansdirect where being clever with liability they registered the vehicle in my name and made the finance to me c/o company.... can you shed any light on this sitch?
I would check with CAB too. Unless you were in arrears I think you should find they would be considered as having bought out the previous firms whole businesss i.e. the contract, not just the debt, and they should still be liable under it's terms.

If the contract is no longer valid why should you be expected to continue paying for it, you paid for a complete leasing service not just a vehicle and you're not getting it, contracts are two way things???

Even if vehicles are owned by a company they have to have a named person on the paperwork.
if they have brought the debt then they would of taken the contract as well so that is just a get out

it doesnt matter who the vehicle is registered to as they are not neccesarily the owner of the car

the finance company are the owners of the vehicle until you have paid all the payments and the fees so the tri partate agreement still stands

you need to let them know this and by taking the contract over nothing has changed unless they informed you of this

i know this doesn't help but there is a lot to be said to buy from the dealers you get a lot more protection then

best thing to do is speak to citizens advice and see where you stand also it might be worth getting a settlement figure and seeing what the car is worth and maybe get out of it??

there are lots of options available to you but you must continue to pay for it otherwise you loose full stop its worth writing to them stating fit for purpose etc to the finance company and see what they say
ok ppl thanks but i dont want to give the vehicle back.... that might seem a bit irish.... i just wanna hold land rover to there contract, but hold them liable for any damage that may cause problems at a later date, due to there incompetence. A lifetime warranty on any engine defects may swing it plus compensation for the money ive lost due to sitting in there dealership..... i dont want to sell the vehicle i bought the brand bcoz it means something to me and a lot of other ppl, im just trying to save british heritage b4 these animals thing they can buy our heritage and destroy it bcoz they dont want to understand it....
Despite your problems, I doubt you've got a 'problem vehicle'. I would say hold on to it, as once the niggles are ironed out in the first few years under warranty, it should become more reliable in years to come. Stick with it, for now :)
can anybody recommend anyone that can give me an engineers report...... somebody that cant be disputed and would stand up in front of the man in the wig and tell nothing but the truth so help him god

i trust brownchurch in leyton london. use them all the time, bought there old td5. known them for about a year. dads known them for 20+. they used to be the workshop for land rover stratford.
they wrote a insurance letter for my dads defender when it was stolen which saved him 5 grand

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