In which case, try Sygic on your 'phone. (I've tried all the others). It's worth paying for but just use the free version for now.

Get used to it before going on to play with voice access.
And then we get to the song, "there's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza!"

As I haven't got a phone holder! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Quite! Try typing in "Villeneuve D'Asq" or somesuch without taking your eyes off the road much.
Mad! :mad::mad::mad:
I agree. You shouldn't be allowed to fiddle with either a mobile nailed to the dash or a factory fitted satnav either. My phone stays in my pocket when driving except for when it's in satnav mode in which case it's in it's holder and the only time i touch it is to turn it off after i've arrived. I don't have 'connectivity' so if i get a call, i just ignore it. Given that 99% of my mates just text and it would say who it was from. If it doesn't then it's probably some snot trying to scam me or sell something so i'd ignore it anyway.

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