Hey everyone,
Just picked up my Freelander today 55 plate...72k on the clock and FSH.
Thank you ...Haha came with a private plate. Last owner was as you will have guessed was Roy. Unless I can persuade my son to name is new baby son Roy it will have to go on eBay
So driven it to Kent and back and across country down there.. love it. Only fly in the ointment was the windscreen wipers. Stopped working on intermittent, as in don't park, bit awkward as it was raining at the time..
So driven it to Kent and back and across country down there.. love it. Only fly in the ointment was the windscreen wipers. Stopped working on intermittent, as in don't park, bit awkward as it was raining at the time..

Hi Roy,

Did they restart when you moved the lever to another position?

Hi Roy,

Did they restart when you moved the lever to another position?

They just don't park.. stop wherever they are on the screen when you turn them off on intermittent, normal and fast. You can park them by tapping the stalk down though, but not ideal..
Had the same thing on my Defender - had to get the timing right when you switched them off! :)

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