P38A Rear Air Spring Problems

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Active Member
So after successfully replacing one of the blend motors yesterday, today I started on what I thought would be an easier repair replacing the rear air springs as the back end keeps dropping overnight, removed the timer relay, front stays high the back drops down. Anyway, how wrong I was thinking this would be easier then the blend motors! Firstly I could not get the pipes out of the top of the airbag, they would not budge on either side. Have read numerous guides before starting and thought it be easy but not mine. Anyway eventually I managed to get them out but the pipes are damaged at the end, am I ok to just cut away to damaged area, any advice please? See attached pics, I really don't know why they were so difficult to remove as all the guides I have read and videos on YouTube people seem to remove them within seconds. Then had a job actually removing the bags as they were stuck at the top, ended up getting a crow bar and with lots of effort they finally popped out! Only part of the job which was easy was removing the 4 pins, they came out with any problem at all. Thanks for any advice, appreciate it.
NSR Pipe.jpeg
NSR Pipe 1.jpeg
OSR Pipe.jpeg
You did not push hard enough on the collet whilst pulling on the pipe. No you cannot just cut off a bit because you will notice that there is a raised part in the pipe that is there to aid insertion. You can cut back beyond that raised bit but then I doubt the pipe will be long enough. You may have to replace the pipe all the way from the valve block. Not hard to do.
Believe me I pushed very hard and with various screwdrivers and pulled hard on the pipe it would not budge, I spent a good 30 minutes trying on both sides. This wasn't a one try and then give up job.
Believe me I pushed very hard and with various screwdrivers and pulled hard on the pipe it would not budge, I spent a good 30 minutes trying on both sides. This wasn't a one try and then give up job.
C'est la vie. sometimes the collet needs a tap with a hammer & screwdriver if it's corroded. What is done is done, you will have to cut back past the raise collar in the pipe or it will not go in far enough, then as I said, you may find it's too short. You may be able to use the old pipe to pull a new length in if you have to replace it. I'm not a fan of joints but that is another possibility.
If you do want to join the pipe to a new section, use compression fittings. I also use Loktite 577 on several garage airlines, and the joints don't leak.

C'est la vie. sometimes the collet needs a tap with a hammer & screwdriver if it's corroded. What is done is done, you will have to cut back past the raise collar in the pipe or it will not go in far enough, then as I said, you may find it's too short. You may be able to use the old pipe to pull a new length in if you have to replace it. I'm not a fan of joints but that is another possibility.

Yes cant change things. As you say I will have to cut past the raised collar as the pipe up to it is now no good. Then will have to hope it can still reach. If not I will have to order some pipe and repair joints. Thanks for your help/advice, I appreciate it.
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I would have no quibbles using a plastic 6mm straight push fit and some 6mm nylon pipe to extend. You'll probably have a faff getting that tight bend in the pipe and although I've not had to do it yet, I've read on here of making a simple groove with a router or whatever in a piece of ply(or whatever!) Getting the pipe hot in boiling water, push it into the groove then cooling it.
If your springs are the britpart brand, not dunlops in a britpart box, they are dunlops, but the cheaper priced britparts, then I had issues getting them far enough up to get the clip and pipe back in.
Even though the upper seat was cleaned perfectly it wouldn't go.
Comparing the old with the new it was obvious the plastic top mount was slightly thicker. I attacked it with a flap disc in a grinder and it was fine then. I slid a thin piece of card on top of the chassis rail and a light coat of fanny lube to push the pipe back in, the card stops dirt off the chassis rail getting on the fanny lube or getting pushed into the nice new collet.

I don't possess fanny lube but I do have vasoline fer me battery terminals.
These are the bags I've ordered (Dunlop), not Britpart so hopefully they fit without an issue as thought Dunlop were fitted from manufacture of the vehicle? They haven't arrived yet, should arrive later this week, I just wanted to get the old bags removed in preparation for when the new one's arrive and I am glad I did now as was not anticipating these issues. Having done one of the blend motors on Saturday I would say thats a much easier job, hardest part (for me) on the blend job was de-pinning the old blend motor wiring from the connector.

I might go back outside later if the rain stops, cut off the bad part of the pipe, offer up the old airbag just to see if there is enough pipe or not. Would these be the correct connectors and pipe if I need them, if they are no good can anybody give me another link of where I can buy them from please? Has anybody ever cut the pipe past the raised collar and managed to connect the remaining pipe into the bag without a problem? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270792730159 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273695899293

Not being a mechanic by trade I am sure I have probably done things wrong and caused this problem but learning as I go along. I just could not budge the pipe so had to butcher it to get it out. Only thing I didn't do was tap the screwdriver with a hammer whilst on the collet, I just pushed it as hard as I could whilst pulling the pipe and it would not come out (both rear sides), thanks for all the help,

These are the bags I've ordered (Dunlop), not Britpart so hopefully they fit without an issue as thought Dunlop were fitted from manufacture of the vehicle? They haven't arrived yet, should arrive later this week, I just wanted to get the old bags removed in preparation for when the new one's arrive and I am glad I did now as was not anticipating these issues. Having done one of the blend motors on Saturday I would say thats a much easier job, hardest part (for me) on the blend job was de-pinning the old blend motor wiring from the connector.

I might go back outside later if the rain stops, cut off the bad part of the pipe, offer up the old airbag just to see if there is enough pipe or not. Would these be the correct connectors and pipe if I need them, if they are no good can anybody give me another link of where I can buy them from please? Has anybody ever cut the pipe past the raised collar and managed to connect the remaining pipe into the bag without a problem? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270792730159 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273695899293

Not being a mechanic by trade I am sure I have probably done things wrong and caused this problem but learning as I go along. I just could not budge the pipe so had to butcher it to get it out. Only thing I didn't do was tap the screwdriver with a hammer whilst on the collet, I just pushed it as hard as I could whilst pulling the pipe and it would not come out (both rear sides), thanks for all the help,

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With the blend motors, I never de-pin, I just cut the wires, solder the ends and insulate with heat shrink.
These are the bags I've ordered (Dunlop), not Britpart so hopefully they fit without an issue as thought Dunlop were fitted from manufacture of the vehicle? They haven't arrived yet, should arrive later this week, I just wanted to get the old bags removed in preparation for when the new one's arrive and I am glad I did now as was not anticipating these issues. Having done one of the blend motors on Saturday I would say thats a much easier job, hardest part (for me) on the blend job was de-pinning the old blend motor wiring from the connector.

I might go back outside later if the rain stops, cut off the bad part of the pipe, offer up the old airbag just to see if there is enough pipe or not. Would these be the correct connectors and pipe if I need them, if they are no good can anybody give me another link of where I can buy them from please? Has anybody ever cut the pipe past the raised collar and managed to connect the remaining pipe into the bag without a problem? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270792730159 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273695899293

Not being a mechanic by trade I am sure I have probably done things wrong and caused this problem but learning as I go along. I just could not budge the pipe so had to butcher it to get it out. Only thing I didn't do was tap the screwdriver with a hammer whilst on the collet, I just pushed it as hard as I could whilst pulling the pipe and it would not come out (both rear sides), thanks for all the help,

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Should be fine with those springs, yes original fitment them.
I wonder if someone used a glue of some sort and that's why they wouldn't come out?
Follow datatechs 'how to' in the tech archive.
Yes, re fittings.
They do seem expensive though but it's been years since I brought any.
Pneumatics places like compressor service agents or hgv service places will have them too.
I wonder if a 90 deg fitting would be more useful if you're not set up to mould the new pipe?
Should be fine with those springs, yes original fitment them.
I wonder if someone used a glue of some sort and that's why they wouldn't come out?
Follow datatechs 'how to' in the tech archive.

I have no idea why they didn't just pop out, very frustrating, I was cursing yesterday :mad:. Maybe its because it had this nut type fixing, this isnt my bag because I had to smash it off but its representative of the connection it had on my rear bags where the pipe went it. Even when I had smashed it off I still had a game getting the nut/plastic surround off the actual pipe (2nd pic), looks a right state.

Yes, re fittings.
They do seem expensive though but it's been years since I brought any.
Pneumatics places like compressor service agents or hgv service places will have them too.
I wonder if a 90 deg fitting would be more useful if you're not set up to mould the new pipe?
Luckily I have never had to buy pipe or fittings, I used to make controllers for compressed air driven machines so I have loads of pipe and fittings left over from those days.
I have no idea why they didn't just pop out, very frustrating, I was cursing yesterday :mad:. Maybe its because it had this nut type fixing, this isnt my bag because I had to smash it off but its representative of the connection it had on my rear bags where the pipe went it. Even when I had smashed it off I still had a game getting the nut/plastic surround off the actual pipe (2nd pic), looks a right state.

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I have never seen a fitting with a nut on the air springs, that would certainly account for the problems you had. It would have been easier to just cut the pipe, hind sight is a wonderful thing.
Yes, re fittings.
They do seem expensive though but it's been years since I brought any.
Pneumatics places like compressor service agents or hgv service places will have them too.
I wonder if a 90 deg fitting would be more useful if you're not set up to mould the new pipe?
Something like this you mean?
