Yes, I gather he got divorced but seemed to get himself together on his boat then got assaulted recently which knocked him about mentally :( I do enjoy watching anything he uploads

I saw that. What ****ed me off about his story was that when he regained consciousness and the Police were finally on scene, they assumed that his slurred speech meant he was drunk. In fact he was heavily concussed and in urgent need of hospitalization.
I saw that. What ****ed me off about his story was that when he regained consciousness and the Police were finally on scene, they assumed that his slurred speech meant he was drunk. In fact he was heavily concussed and in urgent need of hospitalization.

Poor bloke only had 2 pints didn't he? :mad: and when it came clear he'd been stamped on, they just admitted they'd never find em o_O I do feel for the police, they're so underfunded and undermanned but seems like they jumped to the wrong conclusion there, human error big time.

Anyway that's a different thread lol
Keeper = Galvanized full chassis and full steering and suspension overhaul while you're in there and it will be tip top for another ten years at least.

This is a great price|Model:Discovery|Plat_Gen:MK+II&hash=item2850b02068:g:7dMAAOSwJOJcBpNQ:rk:10:pf:0

I don't think this is a great price and it should be viewed with caution as it is an old chassis that has been galvanised and will probably have internal corrosion issues that can never be properly accessed and treated. Brand new chassis are available for not much more.
I don't think this is a great price and it should be viewed with caution as it is an old chassis that has been galvanised and will probably have internal corrosion issues that can never be properly accessed and treated. Brand new chassis are available for not much more. Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA68bhBRCKARIsABYUGieuft_9HrzkMhDuLeqL4AcF026Adk25j7y3LoiOFrrF452FSUGQac8aAoN9EALw_wcB

Strange looking D2 chassis.............:p:p, bit do agree with what you are saying. Seen completely fubarred 2004 MY chassis.

So the garage I was taking the disco to this morning has said they are unable to weld it for one reason or another

Your experienced input is awaited!

As an Advanced C&G welder with too many years experience under my belt I am fully aware of what can & can't and what should and shouldn't be welded and as I previously stated no decent welder will attempt to patch up this chassis or take your money to patch up the chassis sections shown in your photos as you would only be getting ripped off. All this metal is totally foobarred and cannot be repaired, from what I can see the corrosion is too far forward for a 1/4 section to be any use and without seeing further forwar I can't see whether you would get away with a half chassis but would have doubts looking at the rear sections.
The garage that has refused to attempt to weld it are just giving you an honest appraisal.
I don't think this is a great price and it should be viewed with caution as it is an old chassis that has been galvanised and will probably have internal corrosion issues that can never be properly accessed and treated. Brand new chassis are available for not much more. Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA68bhBRCKARIsABYUGieuft_9HrzkMhDuLeqL4AcF026Adk25j7y3LoiOFrrF452FSUGQac8aAoN9EALw_wcB

Never heard of them before, never seen their work up close, never seen a review of their work, how about you?

That's £1000 cheaper than anyone else or is that base price for SWB Series chassis and the rest are "from £2850" or the £2580 with the 9% discount with it being on sale.
As an Advanced C&G welder with too many years experience under my belt I am fully aware of what can & can't and what should and shouldn't be welded and as I previously stated no decent welder will attempt to patch up this chassis or take your money to patch up the chassis sections shown in your photos as you would only be getting ripped off. All this metal is totally foobarred and cannot be repaired, from what I can see the corrosion is too far forward for a 1/4 section to be any use and without seeing further forwar I can't see whether you would get away with a half chassis but would have doubts looking at the rear sections.
The garage that has refused to attempt to weld it are just giving you an honest appraisal.
I'd like to say he was being honest but he didn't even look at it. Saying that my dad bumped into him and he suggested to my dad that expanding foam, some fibreglass then underseal would make it a keeper. Needless to say this is the last custom they have from me or my dad.

It's going in to another more promising garage tomorrow to be looked at however after poking on Sunday I think your assumption that there is nothing left to held to is perhaps correct. You may be seeing a "for parts" vehicle for sale very soon and me on the market for something else.

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