Beautiful place on a summers day or even on a clear winter one. But when the clouds are a foot from the ground and the raindrops are as large as pullet eggs it sort of loses it's charm a bit. :D:D:D
The second you start to swear or call people names you loose all credibility in any argument.

Secondly if you want to make it personal as someone who proudly shows they are a glass rep your tone towards the op was fairly aggressive and unhelpful. Is this helping the recent bad press on Facebook? Yes I am a member but really considering you are representing them your attitude stinks.

I've been on here for several years now, have seen the mess idiots have made first hand and have given up some of my own time to help repair lanes. Had the op put "wots da postcode for that Strata thing m8" I would have been more soportive of your comments. See Sue's comment for a far more constructive and helpful answer.

Oh and by the way my Glass membership is up for renewal and with that comment from a member of their team I'm going to join the TRF instead, I'm sure you wont care though because I'm just a imbecile.

Points taken .. have fun with TRF. I wonder, however, if you actually read both my responses ...and what about addressing the points which you ignored, of your lack of anything constructive to give the OP .. and the help which I had already provided? Or "For all I know you could be some oik with 23 friends out to simply go mud-plugging and trashing the lanes for 'fun'. " How am I to know this? How am I to know some oik with a heavy foot and mud-plugging mentality isn't reading this now?

You post what you like, I actually care about the lanes, which is why I don't just pass lanes on to someone I know not. What I normally do is extend the chance to come laning with us, which I can't do in this case 'cos I ain't going to the Lakes for a while.

Of course, I could have pointed out where on the web to look for lanes, (Oh, I did that) suggest joining Glass and getting access to the best on-line Byway database available, Trailwise, (Oh I did that) Name a couple of lanes that I like, (Oh guess what, I did that too) I could show him how to find them (Oh, I also did that) and what to do to check legality (Oh, I did that too). If I'd bothered I could have offered a little snippet of the lanes I recommended driveability, (Oh, guess what, I did that too) It seems I've offered plenty help whereas all you've done is moan.

In fact if you had read my posts properly you'd have seen I actually gave a plethora of help including an explanation of why I don't specify EXACTLY start, end co-ordinates, photo's of lanes and complete descriptions of them instead of skimming, forming a misguided opinion and moaning about it.

How about you showing the help you gave the OP? (Oh, sorry, you didn't do that, you carped on about someone who did).

As I said earlier, fecking imbecile.
Do I also need to add that the views I express are personal and nothing to do with Glass, but please, if you like, have another moan.
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Beautiful place on a summers day or even on a clear winter one. But when the clouds are a foot from the ground and the raindrops are as large as pullet eggs it sort of loses it's charm a bit. :D:D:D

Heh, I love the Lakes any weather .. which is why I felt 'qualified' to post help .. Campsite at Bassenthwaite and the view from it, and up to Skiddaw .. ;)

We only came back from there a few weeks ago .. ;)
at no point did I suggest giving out grid refs.

The point I'm trying to make is if the approach to requests like the one above was more helpful and constructive then less people would move over to Facebook forums where this information is readily available and obviously it would be easier to educate those out to tear up the countryside.

Obviously constructive feedback or a heathy debate isn't wanted just the same tired old responses.

All lane information is actually available to all that can be bothered to look, and their are many guides to how to access this information as well.
If someone is not willing to do a little leg/brain work to find out for themselves, who knows if they have done the additional work to learn how to drive in a responsible manner?
Just a personal view, I am not a glass rep, only an ordinary member, but I have been laning a long time, and have myself taken a few novices out over the years, and tried to inform them of the right things to do.
And I always try and educate those who tear up the countryside, sometimes in no uncertain terms, both on lz, and in real life.

If people behave irresponsibly on fb, does it make it better if other sites do the same?

Facebook is the public at large, most who have posted on lz for any length of time, including yourself, will have some knowledge about responsible 4wd use! :)
All lane information is actually available to all that can be bothered to look, and their are many guides to how to access this information as well.
If someone is not willing to do a little leg/brain work to find out for themselves, who knows if they have done the additional work to learn how to drive in a responsible manner?
Just a personal view, I am not a glass rep, only an ordinary member, but I have been laning a long time, and have myself taken a few novices out over the years, and tried to inform them of the right things to do.
And I always try and educate those who tear up the countryside, sometimes in no uncertain terms, both on lz, and in real life.

If people behave irresponsibly on fb, does it make it better if other sites do the same?

Facebook is the public at large, most who have posted on lz for any length of time, including yourself, will have some knowledge about responsible 4wd use! :)

I am always very careful when going off road in the Range rover. I find mounting the kerb to quickly to park on the sidewalk can damage tyres and or wheels in some circumstances. :D:D:D
I am always very careful when going off road in the Range rover. I find mounting the kerb to quickly to park on the sidewalk can damage tyres and or wheels in some circumstances. :D:D:D
Try getting your chauffeur to get out and position little wooden wedges against the kerb before he drives up! ;):D
It's been a long standing policy here on LZ not to give detailed info on lanes in open threads.
Is it ? Do you remove the detail when folk post them ? Just curious I don't recall seeing much detail either it isn't posted or you removed....
Try getting your chauffeur to get out and position little wooden wedges against the kerb before he drives up! ;):D
Sounds chavish, I would sit and wait whilst the maintenance folk arrive to lower the kerb. One must have standards.... wood has splinters you know...
Sounds chavish, I would sit and wait whilst the maintenance folk arrive to lower the kerb. One must have standards.... wood has splinters you know...

Good idea, might take a while, busy traffic outside Fortnums these days! :( :D
Is it ? Do you remove the detail when folk post them ? Just curious I don't recall seeing much detail either it isn't posted or you removed....

Sounds chavish, I would sit and wait whilst the maintenance folk arrive to lower the kerb. One must have standards.... wood has splinters you know...

Of course ones blocks would have to be at least Teak or better still Ebony or Lignum vitae with gold or Platignum inlays for grip. :D:D
Of course ones blocks would have to be at least Teak or better still Ebony or Lignum vitae with gold or Platignum inlays for grip. :D:D
Indeed but lightweight as these are one time use... wouldn't want to have a dirty one :)
Is it ? Do you remove the detail when folk post them ? Just curious I don't recall seeing much detail either it isn't posted or you removed...

Most folk are aware of the policy and why and it's not often things need to be removed which is just as well because I'm far too lazy
Thanks for the help I suppose. I posted this because I am partially dyslexic, I often use voice to text on the pc maybe I should have said that in my first post though I haven't really posted this to anyone online before. This is why I have asked the question rather then looked for it online. I have ordered myself some os maps now though. I didn't want this thread to become a slugging match on my behalf. Thanks for telling me places to look online.
Thanks for the help I suppose. I posted this because I am partially dyslexic, I often use voice to text on the pc maybe I should have said that in my first post though I haven't really posted this to anyone online before. This is why I have asked the question rather then looked for it online. I have ordered myself some os maps now though. I didn't want this thread to become a slugging match on my behalf. Thanks for telling me places to look online.
Try this page, Dean is the Cumbria rep
Thanks for the help I suppose. I posted this because I am partially dyslexic, I often use voice to text on the pc maybe I should have said that in my first post though I haven't really posted this to anyone online before. This is why I have asked the question rather then looked for it online. I have ordered myself some os maps now though. I didn't want this thread to become a slugging match on my behalf. Thanks for telling me places to look online.

Don't worry we're quite capable of having a good fight without your input :):p
Thanks for the help I suppose. I posted this because I am partially dyslexic, I often use voice to text on the pc maybe I should have said that in my first post though I haven't really posted this to anyone online before. This is why I have asked the question rather then looked for it online. I have ordered myself some os maps now though. I didn't want this thread to become a slugging match on my behalf. Thanks for telling me places to look online.

Trying to put a point across or explain yourself clearly when you've got dyslexia is a pain isn't it. Years at school of being told I was stupid by teachers at school until someone realised I was quite clever just happen to be poor at written communication left me quite touchy on the subject and I'm not even that severely affected.

I guess I may have subconsciously picked up on your writing style which is why I suddenly felt angry enough to go from seasoned lurker to trying to feeling the need to post in your defence.

Anyway I'm not going to win the argument here and possibly haven't put the point I'm trying to make about is there a better way to deal with lane information requests across as well As I could so I'll chalk this one up to experience and put it to bed.

Hope you do have a good time in the Lakes whatever you end up doing.
Trying to put a point across or explain yourself clearly when you've got dyslexia is a pain isn't it. Years at school of being told I was stupid by teachers at school until someone realised I was quite clever just happen to be poor at written communication left me quite touchy on the subject and I'm not even that severely affected.

I guess I may have subconsciously picked up on your writing style which is why I suddenly felt angry enough to go from seasoned lurker to trying to feeling the need to post in your defence.

Anyway I'm not going to win the argument here and possibly haven't put the point I'm trying to make about is there a better way to deal with lane information requests across as well As I could so I'll chalk this one up to experience and put it to bed.

Hope you do have a good time in the Lakes whatever you end up doing.

Not really an argument. If he had said he was dyslexic straight off, someone would have sorted him out, as I think they have now.

And I hope OP has a good time as well! :)
Not really an argument. If he had said he was dyslexic straight off, someone would have sorted him out, as I think they have now.

And I hope OP has a good time as well! :)

I don't think I've stated I'm dyslexic on here before either it's not something I tend to mention and probably wouldn't have done if the op hadn't mentioned it.

Anyway I really am going to move on from this thread now.

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