It's not rainin' but it is damp oot there although the wee one doesn't mind what's happening, he just goes about 'is usual routine, but then, so do I and so does the gig 'un!
Yesterday was such a lovely day so there is 'ope that spring is no too far away.:)
Enjoy you day folks.
Good luck Shimmers - don't be too rough on 'em.;):)
I ope they is proper ones wif razby jammin.
I dunt old wif these ones wif sprinkles or choclit or custid..
Ah lyks cuturd ones. Un blubery. Un aple. Terdays be eye sing wiv sprinkle cos they int got propper ones int shop burreye as tested tu un they be ok. Tu more ter go layter. Eye asser meatin int few week un be finkerin of er chees cayk as thar be stuff int he edd they be wantin.

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