Re replying to this as have only just noticed you said "one" wall unit.
Still trying to unnerstand why you had to fit the fiddly bits on then put it back up.
Specially as you often have to scribe the side panel to the wall anyway.
Are you avoiding having screwheads showing inside the cabinets?
Now that would make sense!
You glutton for punishment you!
In the past I have either screwed them on from inside the cupboad, or in the case of modern rectangular section cornice and pelmet, stuck them on wiv a strong version of "No-Nails".

Member of the Odger family here, me being Brian Odger!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

No visible screws on my watch. ;) Its all about the finish yer it takes longer but worth it I suppose. :)
"LOOKS" nice. But if it is why not put some pics of underneath? Always makes me wonder, or am I different?
Anybody knowing/buying a LR will want to see under the skirt, suppose the plebs look at the shiny top bits?

Did like the comment that all the gearboxes need some Wynns additive 🤷‍♂️ .

Gone from 4700 to 5100 while I wrote this, but as he says Pratts bid then disappear when they realise their beer googles have run away with what they think they have in the wallet, Or the wife found out of course:oops:.

You just want/need a V8 don't you:), and I cant argue that 1 bit:p.

I discovered that my car insurer wants to more or less double the price for my Land Rover insurance. So I've taken my custom elsewhere. It's still more expensive than it was about three years ago, but rather closer to what I'm accustomed to paying. Without trying to boast, I'm pretty much the model motorist - no accidents, no points on my licence, no driving awareness courses, yet they still seem to want loads of money off me. I shudder to think what would happen if I was the sort of person who had accidents all the time or regularly got fined for speeding like several of my acquaintances.
My Wife's renewal has just come through. Up by 42% from £292 to £417. No claims have been made no accidents etc. etc.
Why? Well we think it is because her 70th birthday will occur in this years insurance term. Blatant ageism.
My Wife's renewal has just come through. Up by 42% from £292 to £417. No claims have been made no accidents etc. etc.
Why? Well we think it is because her 70th birthday will occur in this years insurance term. Blatant ageism.

My Dad commented on the cost of their car insurance rise (not a high risk or high car value) nearly to the point that the amount of miles they do taxis might be cheaper. Seems stupid at the moment.
He mentioned it could be age related too.

No visible screws on my watch. ;) Its all about the finish yer it takes longer but worth it I suppose. :)
Fur enough. "Sticks like s***" it is then!!!;)🤣🤣🤣

Only joking!

I'm now wondering how you fit the front of the side panels on. Or "deco" panels as we say in the trade!!!🤣🤣🤣
Does you just screw through at 45 degs from the top and the bottom where it is difficult to see hidden behind the pelmet and cornice? And use right angle brackets to the back in the void?

Gettin intrigued now!;)
My Wife's renewal has just come through. Up by 42% from £292 to £417. No claims have been made no accidents etc. etc.
Why? Well we think it is because her 70th birthday will occur in this years insurance term. Blatant ageism.
I doubt it is that. They are ALL trying it on again this year. SAGA are used to insuring older and careful folks!

I will also be 70 during this insurance term and they didn't bang it up for me. They did try it on but a bit of negotiation and down it came again. And I think I've got it fixed for 3 years again. Can't be sure without checking.
According to UK government figures I'm still in the sweet spot for being very low risk at my age:
Yes, that's 'casualties' rather than 'accidents' as a whole, but the one is a reasonably good proxy for the other as they correlate fairly tightly together. So I'm not sure why it's getting so expensive to be insured. Well, I do know, it's because insurance companies are putting their prices up. Judging by what people tell me about accidents they've had it seems a rare thing these days for the other driver to be insured, and it's usual for them not to be taxed, MOT'd or licensed either. Somebody was telling me a little while ago that they'd been hit by an Uber driver who turned out not to have a licence for example. You'd think that taxi firms would do some due diligence on their drivers, but maybe not. Seems like there's only a few of us left who actually take a test, do the paperwork and pay the money.
According to UK government figures I'm still in the sweet spot for being very low risk at my age:
Yes, that's 'casualties' rather than 'accidents' as a whole, but the one is a reasonably good proxy for the other as they correlate fairly tightly together. So I'm not sure why it's getting so expensive to be insured. Well, I do know, it's because insurance companies are putting their prices up. Judging by what people tell me about accidents they've had it seems a rare thing these days for the other driver to be insured, and it's usual for them not to be taxed, MOT'd or licensed either. Somebody was telling me a little while ago that they'd been hit by an Uber driver who turned out not to have a licence for example. You'd think that taxi firms would do some due diligence on their drivers, but maybe not. Seems like there's only a few of us left who actually take a test, do the paperwork and pay the money.
What really poops me and W off is all their ads about "You'll be insured against accidents with uninsured drivers".


What they don't say is that if said scrote then hightails it and cannot be caught, you get stung under your comprehensive policy.
You do not get any favours with hit and run drivers.
This happened to W and it turned out in the end cheaper for us to pay for the repair than involve the IC.
What really poops me and W off is all their ads about "You'll be insured against accidents with uninsured drivers".


What they don't say is that if said scrote then hightails it and cannot be caught, you get stung under your comprehensive policy.
You do not get any favours with hit and run drivers.
This happened to W and it turned out in the end cheaper for us to pay for the repair than involve the IC.
Well yes, I'm not expecting the insurance company to be any help. It's just so I'm doing things legally. Because I have a job, an address - I'm even on the electoral register - pay council tax and the like, I'm a sitting target when it comes to enforcement. If I were of no fixed abode, and subsisted on a mixture of drug dealing and cash-in-hand work I'd be a lot more difficult to pin down, and it might be a good deal easier not to bother with insurance, tax or MOTs.
Well yes, I'm not expecting the insurance company to be any help. It's just so I'm doing things legally. Because I have a job, an address - I'm even on the electoral register - pay council tax and the like, I'm a sitting target when it comes to enforcement. If I were of no fixed abode, and subsisted on a mixture of drug dealing and cash-in-hand work I'd be a lot more difficult to pin down, and it might be a good deal easier not to bother with insurance, tax or MOTs.
Sadly I don't think many people expect insurance companies to be much "help".
In fact I was surprised a few years back when I managed to persuade a broker to get the insurance company to sanction repair of my DiscoTD5 with secondhand parts, over here in France after a twit managed to damage two doors some further bodywork, burst my nearside rear tyre and bend the rear axle.

Mind you when I told them I'd need to have a hired 4x4 that could tow 3.5 tonnes for the rest of the holiday and the journey back in a few months time, they caved. (Not SAGA, another broker.) The actual, insurers, Allianz, were also the insurers for the other vehicle involved, so that migh have stuck a fraction in their craw!

I think the electric vehicles issue is also bending the curve of the cost of insurance. Though they won't admit it. They just basically say, "Oh, everything has gone up."

Like you, we could not imagine doing things illegally.
My Wife's renewal has just come through. Up by 42% from £292 to £417. No claims have been made no accidents etc. etc.
Why? Well we think it is because her 70th birthday will occur in this years insurance term. Blatant ageism.
I couldn't agree with your 'theory ' more. Imagine what they have done to mine 'cos I'm an ancient old biddy in their eyes.:mad:

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