
Not really sure if it merits its own post, but someone tried to break into my much loved 110 this morning so just sharing incase it contains any information that rings true or helps anyone else.

Parked outside a Unit I have in Wigan, a blue 110 hardtop pulled up next to mine, partially blocking my view. My interest was perked by seeing another Landy pull on to the car park at this point rather than thinking anything suspicious was going on.

I saw the driver jump out of his car and walk around to my drivers side and stop, at this point suspecions raised I went out to see what was going on. The chap in passenger seat whistled and his friend quickly jumped back into the drivers seat to drive off.

Trying to block the path of there 110 after it had reversed out to leave, I challenged the driver, he claimed to be having a pee and drove off at speed forcing his way off the car park and nearly having a crash.

Its only after they'd left I walked around the far side of my 110 to see the drivers door had been unlocked and opened, which isn't especially challenging on my110 I have to say, I can't see anything visibly stolen at this point, so I keep telling myself I've got there in the nick of time.

I've reported it to the police they've gone as far as giving me a crime number but thats pretty much the end of there interest. We do have CCTV on the car park covering the entrance, but we can't rewind the tape (so to speak) until the land lord is back in on Monday.

I did get a partial plate number for them, but the last 3 digits maybe wrong they were hard to make out but there car details were;
Blue Landrover 110 Hardtop
BN51 YSD - the last digit may have been an O as I say the last two were really hard to make out plus I was a bit spooked at the time if I'm honest I've checked out both variations on the DVLA website and they seem to draw a blank.

My 110 was parked on a car park just off Warrington Road, Wigan (very close to the town centre) and they drove off in the direction of Platt Bridge.

The gentleman driving was wearing a red top and had distinctively chapped lips, I couldn't make out his accent and really didn't get a look at the chap in the passenger seat, but the driver looked to be mid to late 20's.

I did check and there was no sign anyone had had a pee and why you'd use that as an excuse at a spot adjacent to a road with 14500 cars a day passing I'm really not sure, when there's a nice quite spot just over the road!

Sorry for going on, just getting down all the information I could, I can't imagine its going to be overly useful, but after drawing a blank with the police I wasn't really sure what to do. Plus if anyone's got any pointers for anything I should check/look at on my 110 to ensure there's nothing out of place I'd gladly welcome any advice.


Its a very sad day when a Landrover owner tries to steal off another Landy owner, when we should be looking out for each other? ......I suppose a Rotten Apple in the barrel
You could bell up the landrover with a alarm, or go to the nearest accessory shop and buy some window stickers " This vehicle is alarmed ". I had them on my old motor and a flashing LED from Maplins. wire it as follows, "ignition on" (ignition switch) then to the battery supply (ignition switch) when you switch off the LED will flash. Ask them for a 12volt flashing LED and tell them you want to wire it to a vehicles battery. There are super bright ones available that in full sun, still show. place the light high up on the dash, in a spare switch hole. If your light doesn't flash then swop the connections around. a inline fuse can also be used in the battery feed 1amp to 3amps.
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Fit a propper alarm that senses when doors are open including bonnet, and movement inside. Get yer windows etched as per one of the sticky freds in the stolen section.
Its a very sad day when a Landrover owner tries to steal off another Landy owner, when we should be looking out for each other? ......I suppose a Rotten Apple in the barrel

you never know, the first one may have just been nicked too and they were trying to pick up a second on the way back
Thanks for the replies and advice, will sort an alarm out, daft I don't as it has a tracker fitted.

Not been able to pull much from the CCTV, going to try and go through it in detail today, pretty certain the 110 hardtop they were driving had fake plates on.

Apparently we can pull enhanced pictures off the CCTV but have to get an engineer out for that and there is a cost, given the police not right bothered about mine its not a cost worth incurring just for mine as I think we only have shots of them leaving the car park, but if anyone in the area has had a 110 hard top stolen then get in touch and I'll see what I can do.
Sounds like you got out in the nick of time (no pun intended) but if you can get pics on here and landywatch of the offending vehicle someone may know where they are?!?!?
Thanks for the replies and advice, will sort an alarm out, daft I don't as it has a tracker fitted.

Not been able to pull much from the CCTV, going to try and go through it in detail today, pretty certain the 110 hardtop they were driving had fake plates on.

Apparently we can pull enhanced pictures off the CCTV but have to get an engineer out for that and there is a cost, given the police not right bothered about mine its not a cost worth incurring just for mine as I think we only have shots of them leaving the car park, but if anyone in the area has had a 110 hard top stolen then get in touch and I'll see what I can do.
The police will be interested in evidence. A photo of the people will help them. Also the vehicle they used.
The police will be interested in evidence. A photo of the people will help them. Also the vehicle they used.

Spent 30 minutes on hold after phoning 101 on Saturday straight after they tried to nick it, was given a crime number and told that was it for now.

If I could get anything from the CCTV they may take another look at it, strong emphasis was on the word may though!

There's nothing conclusive on the CCTV, its more covering the building than the car park, so only gets there 110 leaving not entering which is a real shame and like I say to get an enhanced image needs an engineer to be called out apparently. Obviously I'd be happy to help if anyone in the area had had a 110 stolen, but not heard anything.

The whole thing has left me despondent with the 101 service, the general police response and my landlords cctv if I'm honest!
just got of phone from a mate of mine, he was shopping in Asda, left his defender in carpark near the entrance so a lot of footfall, as he was coming out he noticed the back door open, he ran over to see a guy in the back, instead of dragging him out he locked him in, got his missus to phone the cops, the kid was making all sorts of threats but my mate didn't give a ****, actually a good job the guy was locked in because he is a bloody handfull, cops turned up who instantly recognised the scum
ball. anyway there was no damage done to the motor. the bobbies say the car crimes are getting more popular in supermarket car parks because everyones busy and theres so many cars nobody really takes any notice of car alarms because there always going off. he's just happy is wife hadn't gone alone as she does during the week.
bit of luck catching the swine.

how come he couldn't get out of one of the doors or is the back of your mates fender separate from the cab?
bit of luck catching the swine.

How come he couldn't get out of one of the doors or is the back of your mates fender separate from the cab?
If my memory serves me right he's got a 07 defender and its got the full type dog guard, its a bloody good job he didn't half the German shepherd in, mind you he'd never have gone in, also he's a mobile welder and said it was lucky the back was empty, he emptied it to go to Billing. i don't know all detail so i could be talking ****e, but they've got one more piece of crap..
Not really sure if it merits its own post, but someone tried to break into my much loved 110 this morning so just sharing incase it contains any information that rings true or helps anyone else.

Parked outside a Unit I have in Wigan, a blue 110 hardtop pulled up next to mine, partially blocking my view. My interest was perked by seeing another Landy pull on to the car park at this point rather than thinking anything suspicious was going on.

I saw the driver jump out of his car and walk around to my drivers side and stop, at this point suspecions raised I went out to see what was going on. The chap in passenger seat whistled and his friend quickly jumped back into the drivers seat to drive off.

Trying to block the path of there 110 after it had reversed out to leave, I challenged the driver, he claimed to be having a pee and drove off at speed forcing his way off the car park and nearly having a crash.

Its only after they'd left I walked around the far side of my 110 to see the drivers door had been unlocked and opened, which isn't especially challenging on my110 I have to say, I can't see anything visibly stolen at this point, so I keep telling myself I've got there in the nick of time.

I've reported it to the police they've gone as far as giving me a crime number but thats pretty much the end of there interest. We do have CCTV on the car park covering the entrance, but we can't rewind the tape (so to speak) until the land lord is back in on Monday.

I did get a partial plate number for them, but the last 3 digits maybe wrong they were hard to make out but there car details were;
Blue Landrover 110 Hardtop
BN51 YSD - the last digit may have been an O as I say the last two were really hard to make out plus I was a bit spooked at the time if I'm honest I've checked out both variations on the DVLA website and they seem to draw a blank.

My 110 was parked on a car park just off Warrington Road, Wigan (very close to the town centre) and they drove off in the direction of Platt Bridge.

The gentleman driving was wearing a red top and had distinctively chapped lips, I couldn't make out his accent and really didn't get a look at the chap in the passenger seat, but the driver looked to be mid to late 20's.

I did check and there was no sign anyone had had a pee and why you'd use that as an excuse at a spot adjacent to a road with 14500 cars a day passing I'm really not sure, when there's a nice quite spot just over the road!

Sorry for going on, just getting down all the information I could, I can't imagine its going to be overly useful, but after drawing a blank with the police I wasn't really sure what to do. Plus if anyone's got any pointers for anything I should check/look at on my 110 to ensure there's nothing out of place I'd gladly welcome any advice.


I live in Golborne one of my neighbours informed me his mate had his landrover stolen.
He got it back after couple days luckily police found it on a gypsy caravan site in spring view area of platt bridge.
I use 2 locks on my defender one on steering wheel which covers the wheel and one steering lock I fit around the brake pedal deterant more than anything.
Always put your locks on not worth the risk of it being stolen.
Regards Ian
was going to say it will be pikeys,used to nick
all sorts from our caravan site.coppers aint got
no interest,crime number is easy way out.

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