19 for a rig check and on the side lol

I remember years ago pushing 300 plus watts with a legal limit of 4 watts lol and a 4 element beam in use on hills with sideband

cough never met the orricers when you needed a cb licence aka tax

...and again for the English speakers amongst us please :D :D
4 element beam
Channel 16 (4x4 ... nice one Mr Defender, I read it on Facebook) it is then ... I'll stay tooned while drivin' the Fender.

Oh and Suew ... I too had an illegal AM rig on my old mini clubman ... and I'm only 48 years young! ;)
I often see other landys with wiggly aerials ontop, they never seem to be switched on though, or if they are theyre ignoring me! :(

Ill try them on channel 16 in future then! :D

Or is it just me that drives round with the CB on all the time, hoping to pick someone else up? Theres one chap who has a base station in Tiverton that I chat with every day when I leave work, never got his name or handle though :( Theres also "Deerhunter" in Exmoor I pick up sometimes, he drives a big green defender I think, we were talking for a while and turned out to be on the same road coming in opposite directions, passed each other with a little wave. Wonder if thats any of us? :D
Ch 16 - great idea. I usually have my CB on when I'm out, but normally I just pick up taxi chat (I assume that's what it is anyway).
Ch 16 - great idea. I usually have my CB on when I'm out, but normally I just pick up taxi chat (I assume that's what it is anyway).

Taxis shoudnt be using the same frequency as CB i dont think. :( could be there trying to avoid paying for licenses.
We had a local taxi firm that caused havoc parked up outside and keyed up-soon got the message.
Hmmm, going on a long journey I'd rather stick to 19 and at least have someone to talk to rather than sit on 16 just in case the Landrover going the other way has a cb.

The majority of users will be truckers.
Taxis shoudnt be using the same frequency as CB i dont think. :( could be there trying to avoid paying for licenses.

Defo used by taxis around my way. I don't know if they actually pass job details (probably not otherwise competitors would nick the jobs). I think they just use it for chat. Often the conversions are between a powerful base station and multiple drivers - usually excruciatingly boring. I've also passed parked taxis and heard them talking about my Landy!

I would guess most places these days just pass job details by SMS.
i am debating whether to get a CB or not, i cant think i would use it often but its not expensive for a starter kit........

I have worked out how to make a cb work off a clansman aerial so would look good on my rover :-D
I used to have a president Grant with side shift wired up to a 300w burner,rig was on a quick release mount in case the old bill started sniffin around.
When it first went legal i got a NATO set as it had the legal stamp but still had am/fm bands lol.
Worst thing they ever did was legalise CB as every kid in the country got one for crimbo.
Great idea wish I'd thought of it :rolleyes: :p :D :D :D

I had a strange sense of deja vu when I read it too :rolleyes: nice to see original material on here... or people at least referencing where they're stealing stuff from!

Taxis shoudnt be using the same frequency as CB i dont think. :( could be there trying to avoid paying for licenses.

Most use UHF / VHF radios not that licences cost much.

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