
Hi guys,
Slight problem, 1st gear pull away steady to quick ok. Pull away with a bit of a squirt doesn't want to change up! Any ideas? Your thoughts please.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, are you stuck somewhere or is this purely a technical question?
Hi, thanks for getting back, it's purely technical at the moment, just frying to find out if I have a major issue or not as only recently bought it.
Hi, thanks for getting back, it's purely technical at the moment, just frying to find out if I have a major issue or not as only recently bought it.
Ok cool, you may want to post your questions in the Range Rover section, you’re likely to get better answers.

I will tag @blue beasty so he can move it.

Exactly right, so i dont think it will be the kick down so what does that leave, could it be the the accelerator cable or a transducer on the pedal?
@wammers ,@Saint.V8 , @holidaychicken ........ other members are available but these three spring to mind.
Andy, put the keys down and step away from the vehicle ;)
Hi guys,
Slight problem, 1st gear pull away steady to quick ok. Pull away with a bit of a squirt doesn't want to change up! Any ideas? Your thoughts please.
Thanks in advance.
Pull away with your boot on the floor and up shifts will occur much later and probably at or near peak rpm.
Thanks guys,
Its just when you need to get away quick from a junction it gets going ok but seems to go off the scale and doesn't want to go up the box into second to continue the acceleration. It's driving me crazy so I have to pull away steady until it's in 2nd and then I can floor it if I wanted and all ok . Please help!!!

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