
After the couple of days of rain we've been having I came out this morning to find a puddle on the load space cover, and the rear 4" or so of the headlining was soaking wet (I probably squeezed half a pint of water out of it by running my hand back and forth across it).

Where's this likely to be getting in? I wouldn't have thought it was the rear door/window seal, unless the wind was blowing the water up into the headlining.

It's a 5-dr station wagon, by the way.
Check the seal behind the black plastic trim that runs along the top of the rear window. You can run a bead of mastick/sealent along here if you think this is the culprit. Seems likley to me.


I've posted this before here's the fix.You need to remove the black trim around the top and sides of the outside of the rear window.(Three pieces in total) Be very careful as the clips will break, you'll probably need to buy new clips. Once the trim has been removed, remove the metal bracket which is held on to the back of the roof with five screws. Once this is off you'll notice the white plastic grommets, remove these, clean them and the back of the roof. They only have rubber seals which harden and decay after a while so they leak. I put 'o' rings around them and window mastic (it's black gooey stuff that stays soft so it seals really well) Once you've done that you can put it back together.
Hope this helps.

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