Everything interlinks (obviously) so in order to square away one bit i have to sort out other bits.
To get the front wing on and sorted I have to finish the bulkhead and pillar and add the rest bar, but to finish bulkhead I need to finish the footwell and whilst doing the footwell the body mount needs to go on. It will all come together nicely at once.

Footwell patch chopped and sill finisher and mount prepped up. Was surprised at how good it was. I needle gunned the rust off and gave a lick of paint
Slowly , got engine out at the moment doing clutch and rear main as n when time allows!
Did you read up on that turners one mate? Don’t know how I came about it but remember either talking or reading about it! I’ll go for the turners one when I do mine! Still got plenty work on?
Yea went for mvm one in the end just got to put it all together , yea always busy hoping to get up Newbury 4x4 day in April for look round

When you hoping to get the disco back on the road then or just when it’s done?
I’d like to think end of summer. There’s some big spends to come but I won’t be documenting those!

I might go also but not really any odd bits I need. I’d only be interested in optional extras! I’ve managed to get the LR dogs and a bar. The roof racks don’t exist anymore. Got most of the interior bits…
After far too much reading about different products and being a bit wiser with how I treat hazards I’ve finally sorted the primer solution out for the car.

I have watched loads of videos by a YouTube called gunman - talented Aussie sprayer. By chance, when I was buying sanding discs etc I came across some non iso epoxy where they name dropped him in the description (believe they sponsor his channel). So I went to find vids of him using it and he’s getting lovely results. Decision made and primer ordered. Spent a wack but bought a new mask too as I thought I’d keep my 3M for particulates/dust so I can sand without visor then go full face jobby when spraying.

Base coat will be nisocoat 2. Was just going to go black as I’ve a nice grey interior and didn’t want a flat grey paint job - I guess black and red go with grey the best? Still in two minds weather to try the nisocoat clear ontop. Nisocoat is another non iso paint that’s getting good feedback and again, keeps me away from risk with both me breathing in **** but also the mist etc travelling next door.
That's a fair bit of work there, looks good.
Hopefully you don't find to much more rot
Thanks. The drivers side is just as bad. I’ve bought full kit for that. Thinking I’ll get new headlight box on where I want it and string line a few measurements then just chop whole drivers side wing off and weld on a full assembly. Rich has already done atleast a b pillar and and arch he did the boot too. It was such a good feeling finishing the drivers side. I’m really excited to rebuild interior. I get a bit bored of constantly chopping and welding but really want the bay and front end done so I can move onto the rest.

Who knows what’s lurking behind the rear quarters - thankfully the beams up at the alpine windows and really good!

It’s all timing up well for getting it painted in summer - it’s like a bloody oven in there already. Paid the price welding in a t shirt. Not many people have sunburn in April 😂.

I have the quartz epoxy non iso primer here now and one wing prepped down to 320. I’m going to paint panel by panel. Should be fine with a non metallic.

I’m still in two minds engine wise. I’ve been contemplating v8 but I’m not chavving this one up at all so it could pay to stay original. Also makes it a lot cheaper and I only have to take the block down to the local for a rebore/hone. All else looks very good and is within my capabilities to build myself. That’ll save thousands!

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