Are you able to enlighten the more techie amongst us as to the underlying cause of the post duplication?
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I know it's all humorous and banter , etc, etc BUT this is a good time to bring up the snag list. We may chunter every now and then and put up with being ignored, however, whilst we have your attention, the site is very basic. How about a few more icons/emoticons, save us having to download gifs, etc, then having to upload them. Why isn't there a delete option? It's just a button selection in the Admin area. There are probably other things, that other members think we should have, but those are mine and they are both easy adds. Thanks in advance

I see that I lured you into thinking that you had my attention ;D There is absolutely a delete option but, what we found back in the early days is that it was jolly good fun to write, delete, annoy etc so the option is removed, Unfortunately we have to set standards to suit all users...some drag others down i'm afraid. Agreed that it would be a good option but, for the ones that would just abuse it, it really isn't it.
Regarding emoticons, I will pass that on to the clever people. My hammer is far to small to sort that out.

flood settings in conflict?
r we running ver 2.0.1, several peeps have had similar probs with that upgrade etc
Sounds like the foo foo valve had some fluff in it. Nothing a quick jet wash of the server coudn't sort out.
I see that I lured you into thinking that you had my attention ;D There is absolutely a delete option but, what we found back in the early days is that it was jolly good fun to write, delete, annoy etc so the option is removed, Unfortunately we have to set standards to suit all users...some drag others down i'm afraid. Agreed that it would be a good option but, for the ones that would just abuse it, it really isn't it.
Regarding emoticons, I will pass that on to the clever people. My hammer is far to small to sort that out.

Sounds like the foo foo valve had some fluff in it. Nothing a quick jet wash of the server coudn't sort out.

You did indeed lure me into a false sense of being listened to. Whilst I understand your point about a few idiots bringing things down, perhaps harsher moderation, for those few, would be a better solution. For the last ten years I have run a couple of sites of my own, as well as moderating on others and, whilst troublemakers and nuisances do pop up on all of them ( except one, where users are vetted), I have never felt the need to remove the delete option due to those few. Banter and hilarity aside, we are grown ups, there is a report option which will let the moderator see the post, even if it is deleted by the goblin who posted it. If someone gets enough reports or complaints then they can be dealt with. Just allow the rest of us to moderate our own mistakes in posts. The last few days have been extreme with the double posts , etc, but it's not the only time a double post might pop up, or accidently responding in the wrong thread, etc. So it would be nice not to have to say 'please sir can you fix my mistake', when it does happen.
I have a feeling, I'm flogging a dead horse but will try one last time. We may all laugh and joke and play silly, sometimes, but the idiotic few should be moderated more harshly, rather than everyone tarred with the same brush.

Yours Sincerely
A disgruntled grown up (sometimes) of Landyzone, Landyzoneshire
You did indeed lure me into a false sense of being listened to. Whilst I understand your point about a few idiots bringing things down, perhaps harsher moderation, for those few, would be a better solution. For the last ten years I have run a couple of sites of my own, as well as moderating on others and, whilst troublemakers and nuisances do pop up on all of them ( except one, where users are vetted), I have never felt the need to remove the delete option due to those few. Banter and hilarity aside, we are grown ups, there is a report option which will let the moderator see the post, even if it is deleted by the goblin who posted it. If someone gets enough reports or complaints then they can be dealt with. Just allow the rest of us to moderate our own mistakes in posts. The last few days have been extreme with the double posts , etc, but it's not the only time a double post might pop up, or accidently responding in the wrong thread, etc. So it would be nice not to have to say 'please sir can you fix my mistake', when it does happen.
I have a feeling, I'm flogging a dead horse but will try one last time. We may all laugh and joke and play silly, sometimes, but the idiotic few should be moderated more harshly, rather than everyone tarred with the same brush.

Yours Sincerely
A disgruntled grown up (sometimes) of Landyzone, Landyzoneshire
As I am........

But I don't need continual acceptance by virtue of having done any sort of 'service'.

Not taking away from anyone who has done such........but keep it to yourself.

But I call BS

More than a thousand swear words have made it into, and exist within the open forum, and you call me out on a considered anagram of that lovely French word????????

Just call a spade a spade, it was the content.

Swearing my 'arris.

Ok, I lied about the tongue biting.
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I'm not quite sure what is going on, as I am obviously only seeing half the conversation/s. However, from the Moderator comments it looks like this is a situation where harsher moderation would be appropriate. Treat those who act like naughty children, as naughty children, give them a time out. Just a thought :rolleyes:
I'm not quite sure what is going on, as I am obviously only seeing half the conversation/s. However, from the Moderator comments it looks like this is a situation where harsher moderation would be appropriate. Treat those who act like naughty children, as naughty children, give them a time out. Just a thought :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: then :rolleyes: again

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