Morning all,

Nice and bright out
Couldn’t really say the same about here

Suns oot. Two loads of e7 washing done. 4 days of kitchen washing soaking. Edgar watered. Washing on line. Me trees have growed their leaves back. Well most ov em. Slow cookerer filled wiv pea's, carruts and sprouts fer tea. Spuds sat waiting to get chopped un go in. Me squirrels been but only fer one nut. Left 7. He was too early yesdi so missed 8. There be a strawberry ferrim from the wuks buffet anorl. He dun't know yet. Burd feeder filled last night while eye were 1m away from it doing me wood wuk. Burds were quietly visiting then zooming oft fast. Thats whe eye heard em.

Edit. 3 nuts left so e's been back. Expect him to leave the strawberry till last.
Weather has been OK the last couple of days, even nicer today.
Got up early to go to a car show in Castres. Couldn't go to our normal parking spot so went around the town centre again, W spotted a space at the end of a side lane bit so I drove in wrong way, i.e. through a no entry sign, couldn't quite make the parking in one go as it was in chevrons for people who did it properly! Bloke coming the other way just stopped and let us park, decent bloke, he din't want the space as it was for disabulled. (To get into it properly I'd have had to have driven right around the town centre yet again, crossing the river twice. No chance!)

The show was billed as for old cars, so we got there to find a lot of cars that W kept saying, "That is older than your's or even mine!!"
So we might have been abler to show her Pluriel and even my Disco 2. Only other LR product was a very recent 130 or summat, 5 doors, big back all closed in, tricked up. didn't take a pick as was a bit pipped off about all the young cars there!
Still a nice mix of olduns and in particular a Renault 17 Gordini, electronic fuel injection. I'd have loved that!
Three kit cars, a Manx buggy, an AC Cobra copy and of course a Lotus 7 copy. How DO peeps register them??? :mad::mad::mad:
Sat outside our fave brasserie (on the corner of the square where the show was) for a bevvy and a chat with the waiter and waitress, who served us no matter how busy they were. Quite warm, then set the roof almost as far back as it'll go before having to open the boot and swing it all down and under the floor, for the drive back. Really feeling a lot more like summer is a comin!

I might put the odd pic or two up later.
Have a lovely rest of the day folks!:):):)
Morning all tis been raining during the night, tis warm but overcast. Im having the day off as not feeling great.
Went out for pizza last night & I only ate a little bit, was coughing yesterday & got a sore throat. So eye is doing nowt. :)

Ripped the rest of the kitchen out yesterday, wee bit of plastering & plumbing. Put a few units in place had to put a hole in the
back of one as its for the stop cock. Think I'll make a wee sleeve so you dont see it when the cupboard is open.
Moving the dishwasher so more plumbing to do. House is a tip 🤣🤣
Just the one?
Don't you have to put holes in the back of at least one for the waste pipe and the hot n cold pipes to the tap(s)? I've never been able to avoid that. Unless I spose you are having a void behind the cupboards that can take it all and slinging it in and out over the top of the cupboard, or even having the tap(s) over the void too.

The stop cock in our UK kitchen is a real mutha as it comes out of the concrete slab right in the middle of the bottom of the undersink cupboard. Cannot even make room to put elbows on it to send it to the back, up and then back in again. I had to do lots of cutting out and then making up sections to slide back round it/them. Once covered with that shiny aluminium stuff that looks like checker plate it looks OK. Tis the stop cock for the whole house.:(

Integrated diswasher? Aren't they just fun!!!🤣🤣🤣
Fitted the last bits of wood underneef me nooker table. Then gottid me router out to use an edge trimmer bit to trim the bits underneef so they is rounded ont pockets. Then realised me router bit issa flush cutter wiv the bearing at the far end of me cutter instead of router end. Solved by holding the router upsidedowm. Tis a trend T10 so heavy. Wobbled a bit but its done. Sprayed me room wiv saw dust. Loads over me. Balanced a box in front of me to catch some of the dust after the second corner. Had a henry hoover onnit but the cutting is ootside the routers frame so not much hoovered up.
Managed to get the Ryobi brushcutter started and running but having trouble persuading it to tickover.
I have only ever done the same thing before storing it, namely to empty all fool out of it, run it until it stops then pull the starter cord a few times.
So tomoz I'll be buying some "Karb clineur" from Leclerc auto, and taykin the blipping thing apart.
Might also blow through the fool filter after filling it with Karb clineur.
Orange warn us there may be storms tonight so we should switch off and disconnect the "live box" from the power and phone connections. But the two nearest weather forecasts show nothing except all night rain.
Enjoy yours dins folks!:):):)

(🥧 4 us!!!)
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So runs fine but stalls if you let it idle? If you got a manual choke on it, see if it idles on half choke - could be fuel filters

Might also blow through the fool filter after filling it with Karb clineur.
And no, it don't idle on half choke! ;)
I cannot say I know all that much about 2 strokes. But this is the first time one has played me up.

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