blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
I can't begin to express how angry this makes me :mad:

One would like to think the perpetrators simply didn't know the significance of the mound. Was it fenced off or protected in anyway?

There's subtle hints


It's an on going problem in a scheduled ancient woodland. Some people just don't care and it reflects badly on the rest of the 4x4 community.

I wouldn't make that mess around a random dung heap in a field ffs
After 25 years of Time Team the whole bloody nation knows the significance of lumps in the ground. No viable excuses for this one.

You assume everyone has watched time team, I never have and I have no knowledge of these burial humps either.
Did you not do history at school? Have you never looked on an OS map and seen the tumulus symbols?

Yes I did History at School but have no recollection of these humps and no I have no idea what tumulus symbols are. Such wild assumptions that everyone knows the same things you do.'ve never looked
Yes I did History at School but have no recollection of these humps and no I have no idea what tumulus symbols are. Such wild assumptions that everyone knows the same things you do.
So you've never looked at an OS map? You've never looked at the maps key?
Yes I did History at School but have no recollection of these humps and no I have no idea what tumulus symbols are. Such wild assumptions that everyone knows the same things you do.
Also.its not assumptions, I'd like to think that all 4x4 drivers know the OS maps. Especially if you drive off road.

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