A oldy, but a goody.

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New Member
Sunny Dudley in the Dale.
Hi all.
Heres a question for you. Why is it whenever i drive my bestest V8 109 (stage 1) about locally and to work i get flashed by just about every Land Rover on the road i see, but when i take my P38 out and see the same people they will not acknowledge or wave at me no matter what? I pretty much know on sight all the other local Landys but get no recognition from them at all in the 38.:confused:

Sensible answers on a postcard to...............

Cheers, Nick.
Perhaps now is the time to start, just for the fun!!
I dont expect much but i saw them one day in the 109 and then the next day in the 38 , flahsed em and they just completley blanked me so then we started taking different cars on different days and one day they would smile and the next they wouldnt.
Its just blinkin rude i tell you and furthermore ..............I'll stop now.

Cheers, Nick.
S'tricky o ne & pops up every now & again. To wave or not to wave? I do a lot of miles & going back to my motorbike days all bikers waved at eachother (though that's getting less nowadays).

I even find it depends on the look of the landy. F'rinstance, I'll wave at any series, cos' they'll almost always wave back as in all probability, their truck is their hobby or passion.

I'll only wave at a defender if it's a bit grubby or I spot a winch or snork' or some indication that it ain't just Farmer Palmer going to shoot a poacher(Ifor Williams top's always a giveaway) as Farmers are almost all grumpy & are only driving Landies generally for practical reasons. Also won't wave if it looks very new & shiny as I've found owners of TD5's won't wave back.

I'll wave at Discos if they look modded cos' you'll usually get a wave back & I won't bother waving at a gaylander.

I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but I'm selective cos' I hate feeling a reet tit, waving or flashing my lights to get an incredulous look or a 2why, what's wrong wiv me motor" look back as they pass.
i think its probably the same as the old days when YD used to flash scimitar gte owners from his reliant regal van?
My dear old grandad stopped his membership to the AA when they did'nt salute anymore !!!!!:D

I waved at a bloke in a Disco the other day, As we passed he waved back at me, I noticed his passenger was from the main dealer's i use, The head chargehand no less.:D

Then it struck me, I bet the poor sod driving it was the owner and they were on a test run to try and find out where that funny noise was coming from, A game which i often play in my series 3 Disco but rarely win !!!!!:D
None now Pimp, had allsorts over the years. My faves were my GPZ 900, Yamaha TT600 full comp & my old shovel 1500 stroker, built from the ground up & as mean as faaaaark!

Miss having a bike every summer, don't give a monkey's not having a bike every winter!
I occasionally get waved at when I'm in my landy. But the bastards stick their fingers up at me when I'm carving them up on my bike.

As for bikers waving, I used to in the old days but don't now that the Hells Accountant and Power Ranger brigade have taken over.
aye bikers used to always nod to each other. shame it seems to have gone now.
my last bike was a guzzi le mans. loved it in the summer. dont miss it at all in the winter though!
Ha ha, they DO look like power rangers! Only thing my leathers matched was the muck under my finger nails!

What I really used to hate wuz when I had the shovel & some Battastinis bank manager wud come up to me & say "alright bro?" Alright bro, mate if I came into your bank/office/whatever you'd have me removed, besides which, I didn't buy this I built it! Made me seeth!...............Guess it's much the same as a trakter driver thinking he has anything in common wiv a geezer in a new rangie HSE.
aye bikers used to always nod to each other. shame it seems to have gone now.
my last bike was a guzzi le mans. loved it in the summer. dont miss it at all in the winter though!

Bluddy 'ell Orm', can't believe I missed that off me fave list, my T3. mind you only had it fer a couple of months before I blew it sky high. Dropped valve, at speed! :eek: They were buggers fer that.
The last two bikes I owned were an Aprillia RSV-R Edwards and a V-max. I owned them concurrently. When out on the Max I'd get waved at, When on the prilla I got ignored.

Didn't bother me though 'cos I never wave or flash at anyone. Never seen the point in it. Just because I own the same marque of vehicle as you it doesn't mean that I want to be your friend. Don't even know why I come on here.
when i toke my 90 for a test drive i got waved at by 3 defenders in 20 minutes! result. i bought it :D

same as marcus. if its new and shiny or a freebie i dont look twice.
